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[UAH] Assailant dig through bedroom to murder Gayaza couple @WHY DO SOME PEOPLE FIND IT EASY TO KILL OTHERS?

Residents of Kayebe village in Nangabo sub-county, Wakiso District are still coming to terms with the grisly murder of a couple on Friday night last week. Unknown assailants allegedly attacked them in the middle of the night.Moreover they were a young couple who were just starting to build their lives...they also raped the lady,

Corruption is killing our police institution residents are aware and they know wrong doers in their communties but because once u report them 2 police instead of police taking action after getting the wrong doers they just release them which puts life of a resident who reported at that brings me to a question that, what is our government doing to protect the lives of Ugandans?.
 How on earth does a copy cat killing scheme thrive right under the police's nose with no viable leads up until now!! This is just down right embarrasing!! And we wonder why mob justice thrives while crimes like these blossom with reckless abandon!! Clearly some one is not doing their job well or this is simply not a priority for the CIID!! This wanton killing of innocent civilians needs to stop!!!

With the ugandan police directing all it's efforts on fighting the opposition and other minor issues such gruesome murders will continue in uganda.
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Hannah Ogwapiti <> wrote:

Let me tell you something! This is how Museveni and his crooks have let Uganda to look like. People have lost hope, the nation has no future, and the country has no vision. Ugandans are working hard each day pass but things dont work. Where do they resort to? two things:

1. Churches ( its from this reason that we have seen mushrooming born again churches, they preach about hope, wealth, happy life, bra bra) but in real sense there is nothing they get other-than continuing with their desperate life.

2. Shrines, Stealing, Kondiosm and Katayimbwalism then take a centera stage. And remember most of these witch doctors that do announce themselves on radios are fake, con-men and devils. After extorting much money from the victims they tell them to do the impossible...KILL. Kill your sister, your brother, your father, your mother, kill your CHILD as long its your blood.

I conclude, if our government had done enough to solve the problem of unemployment, high taxes, unneccessary land evictions among other inhuman acts, we wouldnt have seen these. The only solution to this is....lets unite and fight this evil government "constitutionally" we shall make our country a better place to be.

For God and My Country.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 3:17 AM, Abbey Semuwemba <> wrote:
Why do some people find it easy to kill others? Yes, I understand why anyone would wanna kill someone but you can't do it unless you have been indoctrinated to do so. That is why the military spends much time indoctrinating people. And for those who find it easy to kill? The only rational explanation is that they are very sick, I believe. However, the constant rationalization to make the truth palatable is tiresome. Someone killed my father when i was a toddler but even up to now I don't know why he was killed and who killed him. Yes, people say Uganda was going through political turmoil then such that killing was the order of the day, but it seems the killing has not stopped!



Abbey Kibirige  Semuwemba

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'"The three separate branches of government were developed as a check and balance for one another. It is within the court's duty to ensure that power is never condense[d] into a single branch of government." - Judge Anna Diggs Taylor

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---Theodore Roosevelt

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that  we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic  and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
---Theodore Roosevelt

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