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[UAH] Here is Tanzania's Red Pepper - Kandahar bila kaveera

This story got my attention - Pastor demanding the use of a student's Kandahar without adorning the kaveera. Yikesss...!

A crude Google language translation is appended below.

Aibu:Mchungaji Mahakamani kwa Kuwatorosha Wanafunzi na Kutaka Penzi Bila Kinga

1:45 AM

KESI ya kutorosha wanafunzi inayomkabili Mchungaji wa Kanisa la Tanzania Assemblies Of God (TAG), Jean Felix Bamana, Raia wa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo (DRC), Jumatatu wiki hii ilianza kurindima katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Moshi, Kilimanjaro huku upande wa walalamikaji ukiiambia korti, 'mchungaji alitaka penzi bila kinga'.
Mchungaji huyo alitiwa mbaroni Machi 13, mwaka huu ndani ya Hoteli ya Grand iliyopo Magomeni, Dar akiwa na wanafunzi wawili, watoto wa familia moja, Artha Swai (17) na Angel Swai (19) ambao alidaiwa kuwatorosha kutoka mjini hapa.

Katika kesi ya msingi, mchungaji huyo alidaiwa kuwadanganya watoto hao kwamba alikuwa akiwafanyia mpango wa kwenda kusoma nje ya nchi lakini badala yake aliwaweka hotelini na kumtaka kimapenzi mmoja wao.

Akiwa chini ya ulinzi mkali wa polisi, Amani lilimshuhudia Mchungaji Bamana ambaye alishindikana kufikishwa mahakamani mara tatu mfululizo kwa visingizio vingi, akipandishwa kizimbani huku akikwepa macho ya umati uliofurika kufuatilia kesi hiyo.
Akisoma mashitaka yanayomkabili Mchungaji Bamana katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Moshi, mbele ya Hakimu Naomi Mwerinde, mwendesha mashitaka ambaye ni wakili wa serikali, Abdallah Chavula alisema mtuhumiwa huyo anashitakiwa kwa makosa mawili.
Chavula alisema, katika makosa hayo, la msingi ni la kutorosha wanafunzi kinyume na Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania chini ya sheria namba 6 ya mwaka 2008, ibara ya 4, kifungu cha 5, kifungu kidogo 4 (i)a.
Katika mashitaka hayo, ilidaiwa mahakamani hapo kuwa, mnamo Februari 18, mwaka huu, Angel ambaye kipindi hicho alikuwa ni mwanafunzi wa kidato cha tano katika Shule ya Sekondari ya Mtakatifu Marygorethi ya mkoani hapa, akiwa nyumbani kwao eneo la Masama wilayani Hai, alimuomba mdogo wake, Artha amsindikize mjini Moshi.
Mwendesha mashitaka huyo aliendelea kufafanua mbele ya mahakama hiyo kuwa, wanafunzi hao waliondoka nyumbani bila kutoa taarifa na kwamba walifikia Moshi View Hotel ambako walikutana na mshitakiwa huyo.
Ilidaiwa kortini hapo kuwa wakati watatu hao wakifanya mazungumzo, Artha alimueleza mshitakiwa dhamira yake ya kuendelea na masomo baada ya kumaliza kidato cha nne na mtuhumiwa alimhakikishia kwamba kwa kuwa ni mtu wa kuzuguka kila mahali duniani kote angemsaidia kupata shule nje ya nchi.
Ilielezwa kuwa kama ilivyokuwa kwa mdogo wake, Angel naye alihakikishiwa kufanyiwa utaratibu wa kupata shule nje ya nchi ambapo mshitakiwa alimuahidi kumpeleka Uingereza kusomea masuala ya ubunifu na mitindo.
Mwendesha mashitaka huyo aliiambia  mahakama kuwa majira ya saa tisa alasiri, mshitakiwa aliwapa nauli ya teksi kutoka Moshi kuwarudisha nyumbani Masama na kwa kuwa waliondoka bila kuaga, bibi yao aliwagombeza.
Chavula aliendelea kuiambia mahakama kuwa, katika mawasiliano kati ya watatu hao, Mchungaji Bamana alikuwa akimsisitiza Angel afanye uamuzi mgumu wa kuondoka nyumbani kwao na kumfuata Dar kwa sababu wazazi wake (Angel), watakufa muda wowote, yeye na mdogo wake watapata matatizo kama watakuwa hawawezi kujitegemea.

Mahakama iliendelea kuelezwa kuwa siku ya kwanza kukutana, mshitakiwa alimpa Artha simu ya Samsung Touch Screen na kwamba siku iliyofuata, mtuhumiwa alimpigia simu Angel kupitia simu aliyompa Artha na kuwataka waende mjini wakale naye bata.
Angel na mdogo wake walitoroka nyumbani kwa kutumia usafiri wa teksi ya mtu aliyefahamika kwa jina moja la Yusuf ambapo baada ya kufika mjini walikutana na mchungaji huyo aambaye aliwapeleka Nakumatt Supermarket alipowanunulia biskuti na headphone za simu.

Mahakama ilielezwa kuwa, pande zote ziliendelea kupigiana simu na kutumiana ujumbe mfupi (SMS) na katika mazungumzo, mshitakiwa aliendelea kuwasisitiza Angel na Artha kutoroka nyumbani na kuongeza kuwa siku iliyofuata mshitakiwa aliondoka kurejea Dar.

Hakimu Mwerinde aliambiwa kuwa, Februari 18, mwaka huu, Artha alimuaga baba yake kuwa anakwenda Machame kumsalimia bibi yake lakini badala yake alikwenda Moshi kukata tiketi ya basi la saa sita linalokwenda Dar.
Majira ya Saa 7:00 mchana, Artha  alimpigia simu Angel kumfahamisha juu ya safari yake na baadaye akawasiliana na mshitakiwa na kwamba mtuhumiwa alimuagiza akifika Ubungo achukue teksi hadi Grand Hotel ya Magomeni.
Baada ya kufika hotelini hapo, Artha alipokelewa na mshitakiwa na kwa pamoja waliingia mapokezi ambapo mtuhumiwa huyo alilipia gharama zote za malazi ya kijana huyo huku akimhakikishia kufuatilia taratibu za kupata hati ya kusafiria siku inayofuata.

Mwendesha Mashitaka Chavula aliendelea kuieleza mahakama kuwa, siku mbili baada ya Artha kufika Dar, Februari 20, Angel alitumiwa shilingi laki moja kwa mtandao kupitia simu ya dereva teksi.
Katika fedha hizo, Sh. 40,000 alitumia kama nauli ya teksi kumtoa Masama hadi Moshi Mjini na zilizosalia, Sh. 60,000 zilitumika kwa nauli ya kwenda Dar.
Chavula alidai kuwa Angel alitumia Sh. 18,000 kukata tiketi ya basi na kwamba mara tu baada ya kufika Dar, alipokelewa na mshitakiwa huyo katika Hoteli ya Grand.

Katika jambo lililoshtua wengi mahakamani hapo ni pale mwendesha mashitaka huyo alipoiambia korti kuwa mshitakiwa alitaka penzi kwa Angel.
Alisema kuwa katika harakati za kufanikisha azma yake ya kufanya mapenzi na Angel, mchungaji Bamana alikuwa akishinda kutwa katika chumba cha msichana huyo.
Ilidaiwa kuwa mchungaji huyo alikuwa akimshawishi Angel kwa njia zote kufanya naye mapenzi bila kinga!
Mwendesha mashitaka huyo alisema kuwa mara zote, Angel alikataa na kumshauri mchungaji kuwa kama anataka kufanya naye mchezo huo mchafu basi atumie kinga, kitu ambacho mchungaji huyo hakuwa tayari kukifanya.
Ilielezwa kuwa baada ya kugonga mwamba kupata penzi, mchungaji aliambulia kumshikashika na kumbusu mara kwa mara, kitendo kilichomfanya mdogo wake Angel, Artha aanze kuingiwa na shaka pamoja na kwamba walikuwa wakitarajia kusaidiwa.

Upande wa mshitakiwa ulipotakiwa kuwasilisha utetezi wa mashitaka yote mawili, mshitakiwa akiongozwa na mawakili wawili, Erick Gabriel na Rongino Myovela pamoja na kukubaliana na maelezo lakini walikana mashitaka yote.

Kutokana na ugumu wa shitaka hilo, mwendesha mashitaka baada ya kushauriana na mawakili wa mchungaji, aliiomba mahakama iahirishe zoezi la kusikilizwa kwa kesi hadi pale upande wa mshitakiwa utakapopeleka mashahidi nane na vielelezo.
Baada ya kujiridhisha na maelezo ya upande wa mashitaka na kukubaliana na ombi la mwendesha mashitaka, Hakimu Mwerinde aliahirisha kesi hiyo hadi Juni 3, mwaka huu itakaposikilizwa tena.


Shame: Students Pastor in court for Demanding unprotected sex

 , 1:45 AM

CASE to elope students inayomkabili Pastor of the Church of Tanzania Assemblies Of God (TAG), Jean Felix Bamana, citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Monday started rumble in court magistrate Moshi, Kilimanjaro while on the complainants been told court, "the pastor wanted unprotected sex. ' 
pastor was arrested March 13, this year in the Grand Hotel located magomeni, Dar accompanied by two students, children of the same family, Artha Swai (17) and Angel Swai (19) that He allegedly freeing them from here. In the base case, the pastor allegedly deceiving the children that he was made a plan to go to study abroad but instead he put the hotel and asked romantic one. at 3:30 am Consults COURT Being under heavy guard Police, Peace lilimshuhudia Pastor Bamana who had failed to appear in court three times in succession with slandering much, he led the dock while avoiding the eyes of the crowd was overflowing monitor the case. indictment Reading the charges against Pastor Bamana Court magistrate Moshi, before Judge Naomi Mwerinde, prosecutor charge who is an attorney, Abdallah Chavula said the defendant is charged with two counts. Chavula said, in these errors, the primary is elope students opposed to the United Republic of Tanzania under Act No. 6 of 2008, section 4, section 5, subsection 4 (i) a. During the indictment, it was alleged in court that that, on February 18, this year, Angel, who this time was a student of form five in Secondary School St. Marygorethi of the region, at their home location of Masama in Hai District, he asked his brother, Artha amsindikize in Moshi. prosecutor he went on to explain to the court that the students had left the house without giving notice and that they reached Moshi View Hotel where they met with the defendant. Claimed court then that when these three holding talks, Artha he explained accused his determination to continue with their studies after completing forms and defendant assured him that a man of kuzuguka everywhere around the world would help him get to school abroad. was stated that if it was for a limited His Angel and he assured undergo the process of getting the school out of the country where the accused had promised to send England to study issues of creativity and fashion. prosecutor he told the court that the timing of the ninth hour, the accused had given fare taxi from Moshi to turn away Masama and to be left without a farewell, their grandmother had forbid. Chavula went on to tell the court that, in the communication between the three of them, Pastor Bamana had been urged Angel to make the difficult decision to leave his home and follow Dar because his parents (Angel), will die any time, he and his younger brother will have problems if they can not independently. GIFT FOR PHONE Court continued explained that on first encounter, the accused gave Artha number of Samsung Touch Screen and that the next day, the defendant phoned Angel via telephone gave Artha and asking them to go in older and duck. Angel and his brother had run away from home for transportation taxi man known by one name Yusuf where after arriving in the city met with the pastor who who would take Nakumatt Supermarket was powanunulia cookies and headphone phone. SMS INTIMATE Court was told, both sides continued to each other, venting telephone and kutumiana short message (SMS) and in conversation, the accused continued special attention for Angel and Artha leave home and add to it the following day defendant left turn Dar. ARTHA AMFUATA PASTOR DAR judge Mwerinde was told that, on February 18, this year, Artha bade farewell to his father's He went Machame greet his grandmother but instead went to Moshi cut bus ticket of six hours extending Dar.Timing at 7:00 pm, Artha phoned Angel informed him about his journey and then contacted the defendant and that the defendant had instructed him come Ubungo take a taxi to the Grand Hotel the palace. Upon arriving at the hotel there, Artha was received by the accused and together they entered the reception where the accused pays the full cost of accommodation for the young man as he assured monitor procedures for obtaining a passport the next day. ANGEL WITH HIM ATIMKIA DAR Prosecutor Chavula went on to tell the court that, two days after arrival Artha Dar, February 20, Angel had used one hundred thousand shillings for the telephone network via a taxi driver. During these funds, Sh. 40,000 used as taxi fare to offer Masama Moshi Urban and remain, Sh. 60,000 was spent for the trip to Dar. Chavula claimed that Angel has spent Sh. 18,000 cut bus ticket and that was only after arriving Dar, was received by the defendant at the Hotel Grand. PASTOR want unprotected sex in it lililoshtua many court that is when the prosecutor was poiambia court that defendant wanted to love for Angel. said that in pursuit of achieving its desire to have sex with Angel, shepherd Bamana was won found in the room of the girl. was claimed that the pastor had been persuaded Angel by all means having sex without protection! prosecutor he said that always, Angel refused and advise the minister that if she wants to make him the game was a foul, then use the breathing, something that the pastor was not willing to do. was stated that after the hit rock love, shepherd inheritance touch and kiss often act prompted his brother Angel, Artha begin contaminated with course and that they'd helped. PASTOR DENIES prosecution side accused was asked to present a defense to prosecution both accused being guided by lawyers both, Erick Gabriel and Rongino Myovela together and agree on the details, but they denied all charges. WITNESSES Due to the complexity of the charge that , prosecutor after consulting with advocates of a pastor, he asked the court iahirishe exercise trial until toward the accused will kapopeleka witnesses eight and illustrations. After ascertaining the details of the prosecution to agree to the request of the prosecutor, judge Mwerinde adjourned case until June 3, this year itakaposikilizwa again.
Gwokto La'Kitgum

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