On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:26 PM, George Okello <opallog@gmail.com> wrote:
I am so shocked and baffled by Yoga Adhola's vicious attack on me. He claims I am a chronic alcoholic and that I suffer from pychosis. He even wrote a letter to my own daughtger even doubting her age. Anna Marie is 17 years old. She wrote a letter to him in good faith, preaching love. But Yoga's response was so vitriolic, I do not undersstand why an old man should write such a letter to a teenager.Yoga's problem is the UPC leadership election. He knows I am the most intellectual and most capable of all of the candidates vying for the election. He knows I am the one most likely to win the Baganda vote for the UPC. Yoga would never win even 100 votes from the Baganda but I would win thousands.There is no purpose running a dirty campaign in the UPC. Yoga Adhola knows this. He better just combat me at the political and ideological level, instead of invecting hatred and calumny against me. I have been cautious in exposing his shallow ideological idiocy but here he is making a personal attack on me addressed to my daughter.It is for this reason I am making this letter public. Yoga Adhola will never be elected as leader of the UPC party and neither will those that he champions ever be elected. At least with me, UPC has a chance because I can appeal to all Ugandans, I have the ability to do so. I have the acumen, political ability and determination to make the UPC programme succeed.George Okello
"My best songs: http://soundcloud.com/kibirige64/arise-final-mix, http://soundcloud.com/kibirige64/revolution-final-mix, http://soundcloud.com/kibirige64/president-final-mix
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