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[UAH] A Typical M7 wealth network! ....and they are all over the place!

 Hannington Karuhanga who is  a former Chairman of UCDA Uganda Coffee Development Authority is the one who looks after Museveni and Janet's Properties in USA, Sweden, Spain etc. Janet Museveni is an aunt to Mr. Karuhanga.

Karuhanga was once a marketing manger of CMB Coffee Marketing Board and his role was to loot the Coffee on behalf of the first family. After CMB collapsed on the pretext that it was a state corporation, the coffee was stolen under the direct supervision of Jack Muchuuguzi one of the first 27 who murdered Mugabi in the bush.

When the former Vice President Bukenya characterised the NRM government as a Mafias he forgot to add that they all come from one family. Pulkol former ESO boss has said on several occasions when he fell out with the first family because deals done in State House.

  • Hannington is brother to 
    (1) Hope Nyakiru who is Under Secretary in State House<
    (2) Brig Henry Tumukunde's wife and 
    (3) Peace Byaruhanga wife to President assistant Mose Byaruhanga.
  • Jack Muchuuguzi is buddy to Jim Muhwezi infact their wives are business partners.
  • Muchuuguzis' wife is sister to Kamuntu married to Diana Museveni.

You can see a network which is parallel to Ceasceau, Mobutu, Habyarimana, Pinochet.....If this is not shortsighted nepotism then what is it?

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 individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987

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