UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.

[UAH] Cdns., M.P. Eve Adams again violates law - has just received a $155 traffic ticket / citation for talking on her cell phone

Cdns. & Concerned g-villager,
What Sayeth U?
M.P. Eve Adams has again violated a law & has just
received a $155 traffic ticket / citation / fine for talking
on her cell phone while driving on Parliament Hill - Here.
(the way To. mayor Rob Ford was doing when a pedestrain
cautioned him, and he inturn flashed a middle finger at her)
Our same beautiful M.P. Eve Adams recently claimed
that beauty expenses were also election expenses - here

Have Your Say.

Ikanos Doyen:

Hoolie Eve! as if misleading Adam into consuming

the forbidden apple was not a bad enough infraction.

Thank goodness they had the not yet established the

long armed C.P.A. - Consumer Protection Agency.

With Protection Agencies such as Animal Rights P.A.,
many actions now - including unlawful possession of
the national bird result in fines and are also punishable
by law - here. 
The msg.: Love is the law & the only one equal to the law
No one else, not even the law - makers, the P.M.s or the
president is above the law(s), if I.C.C. is anything to go by..
- Peace, To The World /
- Amb. Ikanos Ka Doyen Alwasi Ata - Alواسعالهدية

M.P., U@H.O.K. /  Honourable Rafina

Otafiire Kahinde Shadow M.P. Nominee

(no need to soul-depart 1st)
C.P.I. - Crisis Prevention & Intervention / Office Ergonomics
Certified; InterCultural Effectiveness Facilitator, Cdn. Center for I.C. Learning;
WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Certified;
Certified Beverages (Wines)Services Provider, /;
OFHS (Ont. Foods Handling & Safety) Certified; I.S. (Internet Specialist);
& Certified Red Cross  C.P.R.  / Std. 1st Aide Humanitarian.
Q.Q.: 'Change or Goodness begins from within - inside, complete it outside'.
Q.Q. - Rod Steiger: The most important thing is to
be whoever you are, without any shame.
Q.Q. - Peace, Peace, Says Dalai Lama -
do not let the -ve behaviour of
others destroy your inner peace

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