[UAH] How can I get out of this marriage?
How can I get out of this marriage? My Husband sleéps with women even in his car
I met my husband in a fast food joint some years back, and while we were dating I never knew him to be into women before we married. We had some hiccups as in the family members including the mum did not like me as such. But we went on to fix a date and wedded.
After marriage, a week after, women started calling him, and at one point I decided to hide my number to call one of them, and found out that, he was into women a lot. So this now became so pronounced that most times, he does not sléep at home...
He is a military man though, and he brings women and sleéps with them in the [military] base. His friends knew all of these, and when I confront them because they knew what he is into they will just say they would talk to him.
I have confronted him myself and he told me, if I don't like it, then I should leave him. He travels a lot because of the nature of his job, so this last time when he came back, he never slept at home for once, he comes back very late, he has been very unfaithful to me, though we have been married for some time now and no kids. I am a believer and I have told God that I will not sin against my body and God.
We have a car that we both use, and I use it during the day while he uses it at night. Now most time when I want to go to the office, I will see some funny things in the car, like a woman's hair, a lipstick kiss on the chair, condoms. And the most recent one that has made me to write this is, just this morning. I saw a woman's bra hand in the car.
My parents are aware of all these, but for some time, he has stopped relating to them about what happens to me. Majority of his friends are not married, and even the ones that are married are worst than a single fellow.
One thing he does that grips me is the fact that he uses his male friends' picture as his profile on social media instead me or his mum as he's always done.
Myself and his male friend's birthday was just the same day, he chose to make his friend's birthday unique by even went out with him to make it well for him while my own, he returned home frowning.
What do you think I can do to get out of this mess I am into? I no longer concentrate at work. I'm not happy at all, my pastor has told me not to go that the Lord will make all things beautiful.
The bitter truth is that I don't know whether he already has children out side.
Please what is the way out for me?
How can I get out of this marriage? My Husband sleéps with women even in his carTOA MAONI YAKO HAPA
After marriage, a week after, women started calling him, and at one point I decided to hide my number to call one of them, and found out that, he was into women a lot. So this now became so pronounced that most times, he does not sléep at home...
He is a military man though, and he brings women and sleéps with them in the [military] base. His friends knew all of these, and when I confront them because they knew what he is into they will just say they would talk to him.
I have confronted him myself and he told me, if I don't like it, then I should leave him. He travels a lot because of the nature of his job, so this last time when he came back, he never slept at home for once, he comes back very late, he has been very unfaithful to me, though we have been married for some time now and no kids. I am a believer and I have told God that I will not sin against my body and God.
We have a car that we both use, and I use it during the day while he uses it at night. Now most time when I want to go to the office, I will see some funny things in the car, like a woman's hair, a lipstick kiss on the chair, condoms. And the most recent one that has made me to write this is, just this morning. I saw a woman's bra hand in the car.
My parents are aware of all these, but for some time, he has stopped relating to them about what happens to me. Majority of his friends are not married, and even the ones that are married are worst than a single fellow.
One thing he does that grips me is the fact that he uses his male friends' picture as his profile on social media instead me or his mum as he's always done.
Myself and his male friend's birthday was just the same day, he chose to make his friend's birthday unique by even went out with him to make it well for him while my own, he returned home frowning.
What do you think I can do to get out of this mess I am into? I no longer concentrate at work. I'm not happy at all, my pastor has told me not to go that the Lord will make all things beautiful.
The bitter truth is that I don't know whether he already has children out side.
Please what is the way out for me?
How can I get out of this marriage? My Husband sleéps with women even in his car
Gwokto La'Kitgum
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