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[UAH] How immigration reform could fail

Act and be counted in the making of history. You are where you are for a purpose. You will tell your grandchildren that you participated in this Great Immigration Task. God uses ordinary people to do, to achieve extraordinary things.

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Some senators are threatening to derail immigration reform by making the roadmap to citizenship inaccessible.

Take action today!

Send a message calling a realistic roadmap to citizenship.

Dear friend,

This week the U.S. Senate starts debate on a bipartisan immigration reform bill - a pivotal moment in a debate that will likely last all summer. Unfortunately, several senators are threatening to offer amendments that undermine the legislation’s pathway to citizenship for aspiring Americans. [1]

The immigration bill could fail if these senators are successful, but they haven't counted on the force of the faith community. Help us show them people of faith believe the legislation should include a realistic roadmap to citizenship.  

Impossibly long wait times. Burdensome financial penalties. Unreasonable border security requirements that can never, ever be achieved. These are just some of the obstacles those opposed to immigration reform have suggested could be put forward to torpedo the effort to fix our broken immigration system.

The faith community has been crucial in this debate, and senators need to keep hearing from us as they debate this legislation. Please tell your senator to protect the roadmap to citizenship, before it’s too late.  

Jesus calls us to welcome the stranger. With help from the faith community, leaders in Congress have finally understood the moral and religious imperative to create an immigration system that reflects our shared values. Continuing to lift our voices will remind the Senate of the strong support for immigration reform that offers hope and opportunity to 11 million aspiring Americans. [2]

In faith,
Beau, Ivone, Tim, and the rest of the Sojourners team

[1] "Senate Digs In for Long Battle on Overhaul of Immigration." The New York Times.

[2] "Majority Of Americans Support Path To Citizenship But Don’t Trust Congress To Pass It" Think Progress.

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