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President Museveni,

Being army number RA/15611, I highly regret having been among the
20000 men and women whom you manipulated to bring you to power in Jan
1986. In this regard, I apologise to Ugandans who are oppressed by
your brutal regime.
Throughout my military service, I served under Military Intelligence
as an Intelligence Officer for different units before moving to the
head office. I took charge of secretarial duties in the office of the
Director of Military Intelligence and later in the Deputy Director's
office (then Aronda Nyakarima). Therefore, I had the privillege of
seeing it all from the insside.

In 2000,I retired in protest after realising that what had taken place
in 1986 had been a mere change of guards and not a revolution. Above
all, I was lucky to have jumped out of the system before your security
services contracted 'rabies' that have made them wreck the country
with state inspired gross human rights violations.
I briefly served as as a State Prosecutor under the DPP but had to
quit for I couldnt cope up with the police corruption. Later, I took
charge of security and law enforcement at the Wildlife Authority. In
October 2004, I undertook investigations into a ,3.8 ton ivory
consignment that had been impounded in China after originating from
Ugsnda and transiting through the Kenyan port of Mombasa. Already, I
got leeds that were linking the cinsugnment to some key figures in
your government.

Just a day after I had returned from Nairobi, I was kidnapped by your
security agents and tortured in safe houses (secret torture chambers).
Had it not been for the intervention of the ICRC, I would have
disappeared without trace like had been the case with several others.
Later, I was transfered and detained at Nakindye military barracks
without trial over fabricated charges of treason associated with the
alleged Rwanda backing of the shadowy PRA reber group that you linked
to oppodition leader Dr. Besugye. At one time I had to go on a hunger
strike demanding for a trial but instead I was brutally tortured only
to be saved once again by the ICRC.

During the 20 months of incerceration, I was greatly urritated by your
reckless, irresponsible and unfortunate public statement to the effect
that "I have put them in a secure place where they cant escape". Much
as I wanted to regain my freedom, I also wanted to disprove you on
this. Indeed, in June 2006, I left Makindye barracks on my own terms
though amidist heavy gunfire from your lousy guards. At one time, you
also escaped from Amin agents by jumping ovet a hedge though you had
realy sneeked into the country for anti government activities.

Here in exile, your security services have made several attemps to get
their claws on my body in total disregard of the fact that am under
international protection. Sometime back your then Chief of Military
Intelligence Brig. Mugira and Internal Security Chief Col. Roni Balya
attempted to lure me into a trap. The two sent to me an email message
suggesting that I write to you a letter confessing my alleges
treasonous crimes and ask for forgiveness as a pre condition for my
return to Uganda. To me this was the highest level of arrogancy and
hypocricy which I treated with the contempt it deserved. How on earth
can a whole security chief expect a confession from someone who is in
exile that could not be extracted under torture while in capitivity!
By law, your powers are limited to pardoning convicts and not mere
suspects. Similary, though you had voluntarily walked into exile in
the 1970s, would you have accepted a similar offer from the Amin
government for your return?

Mr President, Iam totally opposed to your governance on the following grounds:-

1. You harboured childhood presidential ambitions. With this in
mind, immediately after school you jonined UPC government security
services. To pursue this ambition, just a day after Iddi Amin took
over power you voluntarily went into self impore exile in Tanzania.
While in exile, you ran parallel clandestine hit squads inside Uganda
that were responsible for causing alot of myhem that were attributed
in part to the Iddi Amin regime. At the sametime, in exile you
undermined other anti Amin individuals and groups in order to shape
your own position.

Iddi Amin was defeated by the main group of Obote's Kikosi Malum under
the able command of Tito Okello, Oyie Ojok, Bazilio Okello and others
baked by Tanzania's TPDF. Your much aclaimed FRONASA played an
insignificant role in in the actual fighting. At the time of the
invasion from Tanzania, and in major battles bfore the fall of Kampala
in April 1979, your FRONASA existed only by name. Yes, immediately
after the war entered Ugandan teritory, you embarked on recruiting a
personal army from western region especially from among Rwandese

2. After the fall of Iddi Amin, for fear that a stable post Amin
Uganda would not favour your presidential ambitions, you contributed
alot to the instability that ensued. To achieve this goal, you used
your strategic and influential positions as Minister of defence, Vice
Chairman of the powerful military comission, and leader of your
personal armed faction (FRONASA) that was part of the new Uganda army.
As a consequence, two post Amin sitting Presidents were ousted within
a period of less than two years. The killings in Kampala and your
brutal supppression of protesters in 1979 are well documented.

Though you were opposed to the idea of a post Amin democratic
election, you contested for the presidency as a UPM flag bearer well
knowing that you misserably loose. You were outrightly rejected by
Ugandans right from your home village where locals cut down your maize
field. Indeed you were freely and fairly defeated right from your own
constituency where you were genuinely defeated by DP's Sam Kutees,
your current permanent Minister of foreign affairs. Throughout the
country, your party (UPM) secured only one seat in parliament. Though
the elections took placeat a time the country was governed by the
Military Commission for whhich you were its Chairman, you did not
resign in protest against the alleged election rigging. The two major
contestants in the 1980 elections were the DPand the UPC and if there
was any rigging it was against the DP and not your UPM. If anything,
you were in favour of the DP loosing because the reverse wold have
denied you an opportunity to launch your pre-planned bloody bush war
from DP's strong hold of Buganda region. commpared to the several
rounds of sham and violent elections that have been held under your
governance, the 1980 elections was a fairer exercise.

3. For allmost two months following the conclusion of the December
1980 elections, you were a free citizen upto the time you voluntarily
choose to launch a war against the one month old UPC government.
Your guerilla war had long been pre-planned and not precipitated by
the alleged election rigging. As Minister of Defence, Vice Chairman of
the powerful Military Commission, and leader of an armed faction
(FRONASA) of the new national army, you had in advance made sufficient
preparations in terms of logistics, intelligence and personnel. Before
the elections, you had retained and set aside a personal army composed
of mainly Rwandese refugees who had legaly been excluded from the new
national army. It is these Rwandese refugees who formed a core of your
fighting group who in recognition of their serviced you helped to
invade their country Rwanda culminating into the 1994 genocide. You
opportunistically solisted financial and logistical suport from
Libya's Gadafi though he a short while ago militarily supported the
collapsing Iddi Amin regime. You mobilised former soldiers of the Iddi
Amin government from the western and central regions and incorporated
them into your ethinic guerilla army.

Aware of Buganda's historical political strength in Uganda, you chose
to fight from Buganda territory. Your aim was to resurrect, forment
and exploit the historical differences between UPC (Obote in
particular) and Buganda. In the same rregard, you opportunistically
moved very fast to merge your armed group with that of Prof. Lule to
form yout NRM. However, you tactically positioned yourself as the
Chairman of the strategic military wing's High command leaving Prof.
Lule as a mere figure head just to hoodwink the Baganda. To further
consolidate Buganda's much needed support, you undermined and
sabotaged other pro-Buganda/DP fighting groups notably Kayira's UFM.

No wonder,after you had exhausted Buganda's support, your NRM's
founding Chairman Prof. Lule had to die a few months before Kampala
fell. By virture of his position as the Chairman of your NRM, Prof.
Lule was slated to become the President of Uganda upon the coming into
power of your NRM in Jan 1986. To be sincere, even if Prof. Lule had
not died you would not have allowed him to become President. Maybe, at
worst, it would have been like the Alex Kanyerengwe/Bizimungu/Paulo
Kagame kind of situation in Rwanda.

4. Though immitating the Chinese and Cuban revolutions, your armed
rebellion never attracted a mass uprising. Instead, it thrived on
building an ethinic army with a mission of dislodging the presumed
Nothern region's domminance of the army and government. People from
the northern region were refered to as Anyanyas who in turn refered to
those from the Southern and western region as Nyarwandas (Rwandese)
because of the visibility of Rwandese refugees in your army. The army
officer that you posted to the nothern region district of Gulu as the
district administrator, Kayumba Nyamwasa, was later to head the army
in Rwanda.
This id what gave rise to successive rebellions in the northern and
eastern regions that is now taking the form of secession demands.

During your armed rebellion, you applied and adopted very crude
methods of committing attrocities designed to tarnish the then
government image. This in turn gave rise to five different categories
of people who joined hands with you i.e those like yourself who were
driven by ambition of getting into power, those who were
unsuspectingly compelledby the situation you had created and craved
for change, those innocent peasants that you took hostage and turned
them into fighters and supporters, those criminals escaping
justice and the Rwandese refugees looking for an opportunity to invade
their country. No doubt, such a combination lacked the unity of
purpose and would not have managed to overthrow the UPC government had
its own military not overthrown it.

Shortly after, you managed to dislodge the military junta only through
treachery and manipulation under the guise of the Nairobi Peace Talks
of 1986. You owe alot of credit to the Okkellos for having ovrerthrown
thethe UPC government.and handed over power to you. In appreciation,
you have alwayd appointed Tito okellos son to ministerial position. If
I may remind you, you have forgotten Col Julius Oketa who helped alot
to break the stalemate at Katonga Bridge that cleared the way for an
easy march on Kampala in Jan. 1986.

5. Right from its inception, your army was designed to be and is
indeed is a personal army. To achieve this goal, you have maintained a
personal and historical controll of its recruitment, training,
deployment, promotion, dismissal, retirement, procurement/ utilisation
of logistics and formulation of its policy and doctrine.
This is how you managed to delibarately keep the likes if Eriya
Kategaya, Amanya Mushega, Kahinda Otafiire, and other historical
members of NRM from the main stream military structure. In the same
way, in the mid 90s,driven by ethinic considerations. you diverted Gen
Katumba Wamala and Gen. Ivan Koreta to Police and ISO respectively in
order to give way to the likes of Aronda and Kaziini to rise to the
top office of Army commander. Yet, the highest Kaziini should have
gone would have been to be a Sergent in-charge of the mortuary in a
military hospital.

Your army is a private security company funded by the state in the
same way Capt FD Lugard raised tan army for the IBEA during colonial
days. It is with this personal army that you set up a military
government since 1986. Your army has been at the centre if national
and regional politics. It is for fear of being linkened to Iddi Amin's
style of governance that you have been slow in in appointing army
officers to local administration, parastatals and other government

In this regard, you have severally warned other national leaders to
keep off your army. Amazingly, the then Vice President Gilbert Bukenya
went ahead to enlist his son for officer cadet training. The poor chap
died mysteriously before completing the Cadet course.

Your personal army arrests, shoots to kill,tortures and detains
without trial in safe housed secret torture chambers. Now that the
police has been fused with some army units have been fused with the
police, it has taken a centre stage in the brutal suppression of
dissenting voices. The recent elevation and appointment of your most
right hand man and former army chief as Minister of internal Affairs,
is a testimony to tougher times for Ugandans in the near future. You
wrongly believe that with this personal army in place nothing can
dislodge you from power. Thus, driven by the same belief, when NATO
intervened in Libya, you contended thus; "....this is a new
phenomena, and if that is the case, we shall have another Vietnam".
To this end, you have always argued for "African solution to African
problems" because you believe that without external military
intervention, nothing can dislodge the African dictator from power.
For the same reasons, of recent you have spearheaded the fight
against the ICC arguing that it targets only African leaders.

Indeed, in preparation for another Vietnam, you have created a more
personal army (SFH) within your personal army and placed it under the
command of your own son. Your recent trip to Russia alludes to this
Vietnam project.

For fear of loosing grip on the army, you are the Commander in Chief,
Chief of Defence Forces and Coordinator of Intelligence Services. All
those that you appoint to such offices are mere political aides to
you. Gen. Tinyefuza was not coordinating any intelligence services
because he himself has been a subject of security survaillance for
close to two decades now but unfortunately, he took long to realise
this. What a relief to you now that he is very far from your army for
you always believed that other than him, nobody else can carry out a
military coup.

Ofcourse, those who talk much about your son Muhoozi's rapid rise on
the army dont know that even before Muhoozi joined the army you
already had another son in the same army. You stated this yourself
when you filled the Army's Property Declaration Forms in the late
1980s. You have no intention of handing over power even to your son
except that you are preparing him to take charge of the special force
that will ensure that your life presidency project becomes a reality.

6. You fought and took over power during thr cold war era and no
doubt you were pro east. Your political indoctrination ( political
education) teachings emphasised that the struggle was against western
imperialism while describing israel as zionists and the west as
imperislists. These cadre courses were moddled along the teachings of
Mao, Stalin, Fidel Castrol and Gadhafi among others as your role
models. To win western suport, you have exploited the global fight
against terrorism. Domestically, you have used the global fight
against terrorism as a tool to brutally suppress dissenting voices. By
having your personal army in Somalia, you have held the West at
ransom. In 2011 as the world was waiting to see if you would seek
another term in office, Kampala was hit by a terrorist attack
allegedly by Al-shabab as if Kampla was a softer target than
Bujumbura! Amidist the confusion that ensued, you embarked on election
campaigns for a third term in office. When the recent UN report
implicated you in supporting the rebel M23 in DRC, you shamefuly
protested and threatened to pull out of Somalia. Innitially, to ensure
continued western support you had intended to delibarately prolong the
Somali operation. Kenya's intervention and rapid successes prompted
your troops for the first time in many years to push beyond their
traditional encampments at the airport and the presidential palace. As
was he case with the Rwandese troops in the DRC's town of Kisangani in
the early 90s, I believe at some point your troops will clash with
their Kenyan counterparts inside somali. You created and armed
different militia groups in the DRC. It is you who made the ICC
indictee militia leaders like Jp Bemba, Tom Lubanga, and Bosco
Ntaganda what they became. Your army entered the CA Republic and and
brutally suppressed the mutiny. You personally flew to the DRC's
northern town of Gbadolite to welcome back your victorious troops from
the CAR. In appreciation, you ordered for them plane loads of fresh
meat from Kampala. Instead, it is MLC's JP Bemba who was acused of
committing attrocities in the CAR.

You ordered then Col Angina to retrive all the UG (Uganda) enscrypted
AK 47 assault riffles that had been supplied to the deserting militias
in Ituri. Althought the supposedly scapegoat Gen Kaziini mysteriously
died, the overwhelming evidence against other key players is live and
kicking. It is this impunity that has made you to once again indulge
in the DRC's internal affairs by supporting the M23.

No doubt, to futher attract western support, you would wish to forment
and get involved in the Juba/Khartum misunderstandings. Driven by
ethinic considerations in relation to the Luos of Northern Uganda, you
were not in favour of Railla Oginga's victory. Once the revenues from
the oil production are in place, you will be able to finance military
expeditions in the region.

7. Having come to power through treachery and high level political
manipulation, you have continued to hold it fraudlently. You defiled
the infant constituton toremove presidential term limits. Throughout
all the sham elections you have conducted, you have never and can not
win in a free and fair elections. In the last elections, you shifted
from your traditional methods of violence, intmidation and ballot box
stuffing. Instead, you ambushed the opposition by a last minute
emptying of the national Treasury to bribe voters, polling assistants
and a big section of the opposition polling agents. Thanks to your
policy of delibarately keeping big sections of Ugandas in abject
poverty such that a kilogram of sugar can influence the voter's

Now that you have exhausted all the rigging methods coupled by
mounting pressure to relinguish power, what is remaining is to bend
the legislature through intimidation, threats to life and bribery.
Your NRM parliamentary caucus conveys your wishes to the majorty NRM
members in parliament for passing on the floor of the house. You
expell elected members of parliament who tend to tow independent
thinking. Your recent elevation and apointment of your right hand man
and former Army Chief to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is some kind
of an indirect declaration of a state of emergency in the country.
Ugandans should expect the worst in as far as civil liberty, justice
and law enforcement are concerned. This is what you meant by the
recent coup threat. Sincerely, a coup against who and by who! Your
private army has invaded courts of law to influence and reverse court
decisions. Your NRM Cadres are taking up strategic positions in the
Judiciary. You have incorporated the police into the military. The
colonial era law of Preventive Detention has been reactivated and
enforced against dissenters. Your current efforts to spearhead
opposition to ICC are designed to propagate impunity.

Your mentor, Tanzania's former President Nyerere applied the above
means to retain power. He only succeeded in having his countrymen
succumb to oppressio, economically destroying a naturally endowed
country and creating an impression to outsiders that the country was
peaceful. However, current figures indicate an alarming rate of
citiens killing police personnel in broad daylight reprisal attacks.

When you took to fightin in 1981, the them president Milton Obote
described your group as bandits. When you took over power in 1986, you
promissed to cteate a middle class. Instead, a top class comprised of
your family members and cronies has emerged from the 27 years of
institutionalised baditry.
Outright plunder of public resources, corruption, abuse of office,
nepotism, secterianism and political patronage that the country is
witnessing has never been witnessed before. Its a lasting legasy that
you will be remembered for.

Though traditionally in the Defence sector whose accounts are not
open to public scrutiny, swindling of public resources has in recent
years spread to all the other conners of the Uganda society. Because
the vice is a means of ensuring loyality and luring fence sitters into
your NRM clique, your government lacks the moral authority to stop it.
Because of presure especially from the donor community, there is
selective and inconclusive criminal proceedings. Once news headlines
are made, the suspects are exenorated, set free, promotted,
transfered, reinstated or reassigned. However, to please the donors, a
few unlucky beneficiaries may face full criminal proceedings more
especially those whose political clarity is doutable.

The situation pertaining to your authoritarianism is expected to
worsen once the oil production commencesf for you will not be
listening to 'lecturers from the west' over democracy, human rights
and rule of law.
The country is more divided now along ethinic lines than ever before.
Your advocacy for an East African federation is aimed at nothing else
other than securing a regional military alliance that will intervene
to avert any threat to your life presidency project.

Therefore, your senceless war following the ouster of Iddi Amin was
not a revolution but a change of guards. It retarded the country's
economic growth on equall footing. Currently, economic growth is a
privillege your family and cronies who have unlimitted access to
public resources.

Thank you.

Tugume Sam

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