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[UAH] THE LATEST KENYAN NEWS: Obama Message Boosts Raila Odinga’s Chance For A Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

Raila Odinga's Journey To Nobel Peace Prize Begins

Prime Minister Raila Odinga's forays into major international assignments is gaining momentum, just a day before his scheduled visit to the USA , a letter congratulating him personally from US President Barack Obama is a pointer to a fast leap forward.

It is a rare feat for Africa politicians to receive such message from the white house given the number of rogue leaders in the continent. In the letter Obama commended Odinga for his conduct during the post-election judicial review period.

Odinga commands unrivaled world respect and is slated for major international assignments, to initiated by the United Nations Secretary General in days to come, the former PM is on target for a Nobel Peace Prize nomination, the letter from Obama seem to set Odinga for special recognition globally.

Together with former US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, president Obama praised Hon. Odinga for accepting the verdict of the Supreme Court that upheld the election of Mr Uhuru Kenyatta as Kenya's fourth president despite glaring bias.

The letter from Obama serves as a curtain raiser to Odinga's arrival in the US capital for a key note speech at prestigious global think tank-the Woodrow Wilson Centre in Washington DC on Africa's next 50 years.

Only individuals with high influence are admitted for a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson  Centre, currently former Trade Minister and UNTACD Secereatry General designate  Dr Mukhisa Kituyi is serving his fellowship at the Centre, Maina Kia undertook the same fellowship in 2008 immediately.

"Through your words and your actions, you affirmed the importance of the rule of law and constitutional order and helped ensure a better future for Kenyans," said the US President in the letter dated April 3 addressed to Odinga.

"It is my sincere hope that Kenya will move forward from these elections to build on the promise of its Constitution and to solidify her rightful place as a vibrant, prosperous democracy, centred on the rule of law," Mr Obama said.

Mr Carson said that like many Kenyans, he too waited with bated breath for the Supreme Court ruling on the election petition.

"I express my deep respect and appreciation to you on how you handled yourself during the entire judicial review process," he said.

"Your early commitment to respect the judgment of the court and your consistent appeals to your supporters to honour and respect that decision have been instrumental in preventing a recurrence of the violence that occurred after the last presidential election in 2007," he said.

Mr Carson noted that the former PM's actions reflected his deep dedication to the rule of law.

"They also reflected your respect for judicial opinions and your unwavering commitment to the democratic values you have stood for and fought for throughout your career," he said.

President Obama's letter's a clear signal to Uhuru Kenyatta regime that Prime Minister Odinga is bigger and way above juvenile games that have been witnessed in the recent days where he was denied access to airport VIP lounge.

It is clear that Obama is ready and willing to meet Prime Minister Odinga, this is a total contrast to what happened to Uhuru Kenyatta in London at the Somali conference when British Prime Minister David Cameron refused a joint photo or an on camera hand shake with Kenyatta.

THE LATEST KENYAN NEWS: Obama Message Boosts Raila Odinga's Chance For A Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

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