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Ugandans have a problem. This problem has sent them perpetually running amok and colliding into each other like termites fighting for dear life inside a smoke-filled anthill raising such confusion that any close partner in crime to Museveni who falls apart with him is quickly rushed to as the possible savior incarnate - never minding that the person just emerged stinking of crimes from a brothel where he has been screwing the country.

They tried with Besigye until they realized his musket had jammed for good and never fired anymore lethal canons even tho smoke continued to bellow from its jammed barrel. Recently they rushed to one of Uganda's lamest duck whom I only know as Riceman and a devoted polygamist and who never initiated and neither accomplished a single good for the country when he was VP except actively participated in the recorded rape of the country's resources like all Museveni Thieves and still hellbent on teaching the country the only things he knows in governance - the virtues of polygamy and rice growing.

Now they have forgotten both Besigye and Bukenya and yet feel left even far deep to the mercies of Museveni fiery furnace bcos the only person they trusted to finally unplug and detooth the tick clung onto their balls has chosen to beat the snake with the proverbial long stick which will never kill the snake. Well, there is reason for this. Kenya traditionally and historically is only known to back or support its internal violence's and machete hacking murderers but not foreigners. Tanzania has had its fill of backing foreign fighters and is tired of the same having backed FRELIMO, Obote and now about to fall into the bubbling red hot Virunga lava. The general couldnt stay close in S.Sudan either bcos first, he will be known as a classic user who will want to lay Northern sons and daughters dead on the battle fields as he walks on their dead bodies to glory. And Kiir is an already known classic thief and a dictator who will want to rule S Sudan until his deathbed just like Museveni. As an already indoctrinated/manipulated Museveni apostle he is of no help and would be the ultimate traitor. Rwanda has had enuff of its share of global blame for backing rapists and murderers in DRC.

So where does the mouthy general start the fight to unhook the tick from our balls? Sorry ladies but consider yourselves lucky for not carrying one of them inconvenient dangling extra luggage but either way, we have been zapped by the spells cast upon us by the Wizard of Rwakitura.

Besigye Elmer Fudd just shot Museveni Bugs Bunny but remains puzzled wondering why he is still standing.

Gwokto La'Kitgum

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