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[UAH] The New Anti-Museveni Coalition Snubs Opposition Leader Besigye

This is the same silly Mao and the tar-baby UPC machinations that is going to maintain the status quo. The last time they got less than 5%; what makes them think they will overcome Museveni in 2016? UPC is dead in Buganda and the South West. DP will never make any headway in the North as long as it is perceived as the Baganda thing. So, let us face reality, act as adults and face the Museveni juggernaut with our brains instead of ego and emotions.

 A new opposition coalitioThn political parties have resolved to unite ahead of the 2016 presidential elections in a bid to unseat President Yoweri Museveni.

But the coalition says it does not want to work with Museveni's fierce rival and former Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) leader Kiiza Besigye accusing him of thriving on chaos.

The parties, namely Democratic Party (DP), FDC, Uganda People's Congress (UPC), Conservative Party (CP) and Social Democratic Party (SDP) at the weekend pledged to field joint candidates against Museveni's National Resistance Movement (NMR) in the next polls.

"We will field one presidential candidate to face President Museveni.

"We will make sure we come up with a youthful candidate who will convince Ugandans to dump Museveni and come up with a new leader" said UPC official, Gregory Olam Okello.

Okello said representatives from the opposition parties had held one meeting where they agreed to continue the unification talks.

DP chairman Baswale Kezaala said they had set up a committee to explore ways of effectively fighting Museveni and MNR.

Museveni has won every presidential election he contested since coming into power in 1986.

Although the president has not said if he wants to stand in 2016, his supporters are already campaigning for him.

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