[UAH] No place for forced birth control
Author: Admin |
7:52 AM |
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At the UN sponsored meeting on Sustainable Development Goals this week in New York, population dynamics was one of the topics discussed. The Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA the UN agency responsible for population stressed that inter alia "In today's world there is no place for coercive measures of population control or setting demographic targets. Such policies are contrary to the respect for human rights and experience has shown that such measures are likely to be counterproductive in the long run". Respect for culture, religion and national sovereignty were stressed in addressing demographic dynamics.
Other statements stressed the education of girls and provision of school meals as an essential tool in dealing with demographic dynamics.
The NRM government has refused to provide school meals contributing to many school drop out especially of girls who become pregnant in their teens. This is a policy failure.
Uganda's training of doctors, nurses and midwives to administer long-acting intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants should not be used silently to limit the size of families involuntarily.
UNFPA's activities (UNFPA report: Promises to Keep 2012 Annual Report) in reproductive health and rights targeting vulnerable groups, including indigenous and disabled peoples sounds like the rebirth of Eugenics in the 21st century. We trust that that is not the intention of UNFPA and that Uganda will not adopt this discriminatory approach. Eric
At the UN sponsored meeting on Sustainable Development Goals this week in New York, population dynamics was one of the topics discussed. The Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA the UN agency responsible for population stressed that inter alia "In today's world there is no place for coercive measures of population control or setting demographic targets. Such policies are contrary to the respect for human rights and experience has shown that such measures are likely to be counterproductive in the long run". Respect for culture, religion and national sovereignty were stressed in addressing demographic dynamics.
Other statements stressed the education of girls and provision of school meals as an essential tool in dealing with demographic dynamics.
The NRM government has refused to provide school meals contributing to many school drop out especially of girls who become pregnant in their teens. This is a policy failure.
Uganda's training of doctors, nurses and midwives to administer long-acting intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants should not be used silently to limit the size of families involuntarily.
UNFPA's activities (UNFPA report: Promises to Keep 2012 Annual Report) in reproductive health and rights targeting vulnerable groups, including indigenous and disabled peoples sounds like the rebirth of Eugenics in the 21st century. We trust that that is not the intention of UNFPA and that Uganda will not adopt this discriminatory approach. Eric
Other statements stressed the education of girls and provision of school meals as an essential tool in dealing with demographic dynamics.
The NRM government has refused to provide school meals contributing to many school drop out especially of girls who become pregnant in their teens. This is a policy failure.
Uganda's training of doctors, nurses and midwives to administer long-acting intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants should not be used silently to limit the size of families involuntarily.
UNFPA's activities (UNFPA report: Promises to Keep 2012 Annual Report) in reproductive health and rights targeting vulnerable groups, including indigenous and disabled peoples sounds like the rebirth of Eugenics in the 21st century. We trust that that is not the intention of UNFPA and that Uganda will not adopt this discriminatory approach. Eric
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