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(by Songa Samuel-Stone)
General David Sejusa's BBC's interview. Well aware that

many people might not be in position to listen to the clip,

I have over the past 45min listened to the 5:03-minute long

and produced a verbatim. No changes have been made to any

words that were enunciated. Interviewer: Paul Bakibinga.

The four-star general starts speaking at the very beginning

of the clip. "This project should not be a

should be taken away from the son. Really the son is a tiny

factor. The central issue, is a political monarchy; a life

presidency and then, transiting in a political monarchy…you

know (Bakibinga tries to interject: Is that what you are

accusing…?) really terribly, terribly…commonAfrican story.

There's nothing strange about it. So people should not seem

as if they are hearing this for the first time.; they are

scattered everywhere. Once a system is decarded and

perverse, and a person who has been in power for 30 years,

they start playing God. (Bakibinga: But, but you've been

part of that system for nearly as long…during those 30

years?) Yes I have, I have. But you see, this is the point,

this is the point of saying enough is enough because you

see, in a system like that, you are never allowed to leave

because you are virtually a captive. If you follow my

history, I've tried many times to leave. I have stood up to

this system. In 1994. Because of the subversive nature of

this president, he undermined all that process. (Bakibinga:

But yeah but why wouldn't he want officers to retire?) He

can't, because he uses the military, he uses the military

as an institution, which is not ordinarily used as a

prison; nobody would suspect it. It's very difficult to get

unless you are there. This is a new…(Bakibinga interjects:

But his ambition was to professionalizethe army, isn't this

part of it?) No, no, no. You see this is…this is the

tragedy of it. But what happens is that once you are in the

military and you think you have the capacity to be anything

else, you are NEVER, released from the military. So, we

have a situation where you have everybody going in, nobody

goes out; assimilation without rejection, it's a very

dangerous process. So, we are clogged up with old men, we

are clogged up with people who are not useful…Uganda is a

country where we have something called "AKATEBE". 'Akatebe'

means, sitting on a chair with no job but being paid for

it. And why? So that you are kept there, contained by

military law. So, he's using it for political purposes,

he's using it as a political weapon. Like he is using other

institutions which he has destroyed…like parliament.

Parliament is supposed to stand out and make sure he is

accountable to the people. But he has subdued the

parliament, it does not matter how he perpetuates himself,

whether through himself or his son…(Bakibinga:But the

government has denied this)…he hasn't denied it, he hasn't

come up. Since all this debate came up, he hasn't come up

to say, 'this a lie'. (Bakibinga: But basically, so you are

implying that there's very little room for change in the

country?) I don't see it. We've tried it for the last 27

years almost 30 years, but every safeguard we put in is

subverted. We are beginning to have a new narrative in the

country. We are beginning to discuss other options, if need

be…(Bakibinga: What other options…what other solutions?)

No, no, before I come to the options because you see, what

are the dangers? Because the options must come from the

dangers we are facing as a country. If you look at even

Uganda as it is, because of the corruption and so on, you

hear about the economy and so on, our middle-class is so

tiny. They say private sector is the engine of

growth…there's nothing; because of the corruption and so

on, there's no job creation, agriculture which employs 89%

of the population, it gets maybe 4%. (Bakibinga: You've

laid out a litany of problems (yes) in the country but some

government officials are saying you are someone who is

disgruntled because you have presidential ambitions) Yeah,

but…how many times have I enumerated when I have stood up

to Mister Museveni? If they can, my presidential ambitions,

if they can stop Mr. Museveni and his unconstitutional

project, so be it. I have no regrets for that. And in the

case, really, seriously speaking, a general, a four star

general…(Bakibinga: So you are not ruling it out?)…why

should I? A four star general without ambitions? You must

be in the wrong place. Who gave Mister Museveni the right

to rule over us forever? (Bakibinga retorts: Well he argues

he has got mandate from the people…he's had so…) How many

presidents have you heard who have been impeached in the

middle of their presidency? That we must live with

him…(Bakibinga interrupts that line: But let's say, if if

the situation is not conducive for elections, then what is

the solution?) The solution is simple. What do you do with

dictators? That's the unfortunate bit. (A somewhat

concerned Bakibinga: There's a fear of taking Uganda back

to what people went through back years ago) No, no, no, no,

no. We were very clear, our Constitution Article 3 first of

all…Article 1 says Uganda belongs to all of us…to all the

people. That's very, very fundamental article. Now ANYONE,

who subverts that must be removed. But Article 3 says,

ANYONE who abrogates, subverts or in any ways threatens

this constitution should be resisted using all means…ALL

means. Necessary." Verbatim compiled by me, Songa

Samuel-Stone. Adapted from the clip here:


Comment from reader:
Yali sejusa eyakulira abagaana kabaka waffe okugenda

ekayunga,yali Musajja yomu oyo eyali atutte amagye okuwamba

kabaka mu lubiri ebanda General salimu natutaasa, era yali

omu oyo eyaleeta omuwala mu kooti okulumiriza Besigye nti

yamukwata, so it's his turn 2pay. ate n'abo abalowooza nti

baganzi nyo eri pulesident bafune ekyokuyiga otherwise buli

muntu wakukilozaako.
So let's do this! Abagenda ne sejjusa mugende naffe

abamanyi enaku yaffe katusigale nga tukyenoonya!

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