UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.

[UAH] UAH is a moderated public forum where members can be subscribed to join, unsubscribed or banned

UAH is a moderated public forum where members can be subscribed to join, unsubscribed or banned when they break forum rules. When anybody posts anything on this forum, he or she is by definition INVITING public response and comment on his statements and views. Posting in a public forum is posting so that others can see and read what a person has to say.And in a public forum, your posts are open to investigation and criticism. If you go around posting unsubstantiated 'facts' you will be challenged.I just think that if you are going to post 'facts' you should also post evidence supporting those facts.

UAH is open to anyone called a 'UGANDA AT HEART' who wishes to participate and this is why people have to apply for membership to join it.The definition of the 'UGANDA AT HEART' is well laid in the forum rules and guidelines on this link:

UAH is a public forum or organization that can only achieve its short term goals or objectives with bigger membership. This is the very reason why I always feel happy when a new member joins us or when a new member is recommended to us for subscription.

UAH is not a rebel organization and therefore I see no reason why all Ugandans cannot join it if they wish. We don't need money for now to achieve all our aims and objectives. It's the terrorist organizations that cannot accomplish their goals without money, membership and the media. It's just unfortunate that all the major newspapers and radio stations we supply with public opinion have not got any link to the UAH forum or UAH blog , apart from radio Simba.Newspaper bosses should correct this as soon as possible. They should also quote UAH as a source of some of the information they publish because I have seen a lot flying around. Several columnists write stuff already discussed here on the UAH and it's a shame that they never quote their sources of information or opinion. Give us the credit we deserve, guys.


UAH is a moderated forum but we intend not to to do too much censorship of messages despite the guidelines and rules in place. This is because even quasi-literate hostile people sometimes have something to say,  and a moderator will not wish to zap them out. Even anger and rampant profanity tell us something about the person and their feelings. This sometimes can help members to understand them and probably help them in the process. There are several people here who break forum rules but we let their posts through because we believe we can make them better debaters with time. Several times we have been asked to unsubscribe some members here but we never do basically because we believe that everybody deserves a chance to reform themselves.

Yes, threads usually degenerate into a shouting match among some members, but that only means that everything of actual relevance has already been said.

Copying and pasting articles

This is something we still allow on this forum because there is a lot of  uncertainty on the future of most newspapers and radio stations in Uganda apart from Obviously the Newvision.If any one of the other newspapers is closed today or change their website, we automatically lose out on a lot of researched information on these sites. For instance, the monitor and Observer have changed the appearance of their websites several times such that it has become difficult to find anything in their archives. The same happened when the New Vision changed its website- it is difficult to find any of their archives. So lets bear with people copying and pasting newspaper articles for now because good newspaper information is safely stored on the net.

Nevertheless, I request members who wish to send articles from stable newspapers or democracies and economies such as USA,UK,Canada,………. to just send links for the sake of saving on space in our original forum website.More so,anyone passing on information, especially onto a world wide forum has a duty of care to verify facts. Otherwise it just looks sloppy.

Thank you

Abbey Kibirige Semuwemba

Head Moderator

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'"The three separate branches of government were developed as a check and balance for one another. It is within the court's duty to ensure that power is never condense[d] into a single branch of government." - Judge Anna Diggs Taylor

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