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[UAH] Why Should People Just Dies in Uganda When There is Police

This is in response to many who have written blaming the victims of the oil fire, the dead without even considering facts.

Very sad indeed!! However, even in so called developed countries here in the West, the Police has to come immediately and keep out people from helping themselves to freebies. Mob psychology is the same everywhere and humans respond the same way despite color and education in same situations. The Police, Fire Depts and ambulances usually go at breakneck speeds to keep people from running into danger either by sheer stupidity, greed or lack, to  rescue those in danger, and to keep law and order. That's the responsibility of Govt services. Why odes Kalekyeezi Kayihura and cohorts or thugs (many are) in Police uniform rush with tear gas, live ammo and toxic water to disperse Wanainchi when they are demanding their rights to such services and in a civil manner? Yet they can't plan or have failed or have deliberately planned not to avail such services to the citizens who actually pay for their salaries!!! This baffles me!!  The Police in Uganda should be policed like in other countries so as to have checks and balances. 

In these countries where there is an extent of law and order, all those in seats of power and authority are taken to task why they didn't respond in a timely manner or why they did not put in place strategies to curb such a big loss of human life and property.
In these countries, it is part of law and order that all drivers have to pass such as giving right of way to these services - police, fire and ambulances - or face such a huge fine.
You cannot keep on blaming Wanainchi! We used to do that, as  I taught S2 and they learned about freedom and personal responsibility relating to services that should be provided by the Govt. for its own citizens in Christian Religious Education. 

It is the Govt's responsibility to educate and inform Wanainchi about such dangers. That is a functioning Govt. Responsibility is checked by accountability. I am disappointed in those Ugandans who keep on blaming the poor people who have nothing put in place to preserve their lives yet their money is being stolen ans misused by those who claim to be working for them like the Police and other Human and Legal services!!

Those of us in the Diaspora who are enjoying these services, let me assure you, someone, some people made sure that people are educated right from an early stage, information is posted in convenient places and in different languages, information is accessible for human beings are a key resource of any country, not just ammo and prisons!!
And if it is their fault, "Mbu gusinze mufu", why are you and I living abroad if we could be enjoying and living full lives in Uganda???

What shame!! For the last 28 years, Kampala and such services are just degenerating. and people go to clap for the illegal president and govt for the last 28 years!!! Wake up Ugandans and take back your country!!

This shows you that Uganda has people in high places of responsibility who should not be there in the first place. They are not accountable. There are no checks and balances. There is no rule of law as it should be but  warped concoctions  called law and rules to benefit but a few.
It grieves my heart and those of us who lived in times when Uganda was fast moving to a self autonomous nation. When these services were responsible and accountable. We have seen it before. But everything has slowly degenerated before our very eyes "in the name of a fundamental change" and "Mwoto me Waka" to burn everything  of sanity in their path of the powers that be.They are not even ashamed to be allocating funds in budgets over years!!
So who is fooling who!

God says, "Do not be deceived, A man/ woman shall reap what he /she sows."
Every human blood that is spilt innocently cries out to God for avenge for it is sacred. These people just wanted to be. they just wanted to live a good life. They just wanted to have what others are enjoying, just like you and me. And why not? Why should they be condemned to a sub standard living when they could live otherwise? They were created in the image of God. Genesis 1:26-28

You and I have a responsibility for being our brothers and sisters keeper.  Each one of us has arrived where we are because of someone/  who have added up  - who cared that you be.
If you don't there are consequences for it is God ordained to care for one another.

Rev. Jessica

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

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