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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tugume Sam <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 21:37:35 +0200

There is no any other soldier or government official that Museveni
trusts than Aronda. Very few Ugandans know this.
Aronda has successfuly accomplished the privatisation/ personalisation
process of the UPDF. Muhozi's SFG group is a brainchild of Aronda.
As a Minister of Internal Affairs, he will oversee the anticipated
tough times. The now militarised regular police, ISO, Muhozi's SFG,
CMI, Prison services, the newly created Counter Terrorism Agency and
other ungazzeted security agencies will be at his disposal. He will
have exclusive powers of utilising any unit of UPDF as he wishes.
Strategically, he will strengthen VIP protection, immigration &
citizenship (national ID project), dealing with demonstrations,
framing of opposition politicians, pannel beating of the sturbon
parliament, detention without trial, bending courts of law,
suppressing the media etc. His main focus will be the central region
and Kampala in particular where Gen Tinyefuza may ally with Buganda
and Mengo in particular.
Both Ivan Koreta and Katumba Wamala would have become CDF years back
but were tactifuly taken to ISO and Police respectively to give way to
Kaziini and Aronda. At that time it would have been fatal for any of
the two to take charge of the army. Now that the army is personalised,
Katumba can preside over it just as a figurehead. However, he will
still be a subject of intelligence surveillance. As a former FRONASA,
Ivan Koreta is next to Saleh in terms of seniority. His ethinic
(Ankole-mwiru) background undermined his prospects. His current
posting to foreign service is nothing but he has been dumped. Charles
Angina had a long carreer under military intelligence. His loyality
was put under question because of his closenes to Cheif Ali. Later as
Chief of Staff he pressed the wrong burton by innitiating a probe into
financial deals at the army Headquarters. Consenquently, he was dumped
to the Court Martial where he terminated the trial of civilians and
was relieved of duties. Both Angina and Katumba know that they are
simply foster parents to the UPDF with no blood relationship.
Therefore, Ugandans should prepare for the worst under a combination
of Aronda and Kaihura oveseeing the country's internal affairs.

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