{UAH} Fwd.ed, Hon. ABDU KATUNTU BYARUGABA for prez. of Uganda
I have said it before, and I shall say it again, Hon. ABDU KATUNTU BYARUGABA is a presidential material, and he is a man who woud take this country miles ahead, and woud foster unity, development and good governance to our land. He isof composed demeanour, intellect, character, credibiity and love for his country, one of a rare find.
President!!! for Uganda???? Mr. Okwalinga you must joking! may be for that dis organized party FDC. Uganda is not a specimen for leadership experimentation. Why the excitement? coz of cross examining witnesses at the tribunal?! which is every lawyer can do.
Samuel Jude Obbo:
stev tell us wo you think is a good candidate then?
Mombasa Steven:
I also love his personality.
Wajib Kigongo:
A-K is in a class of his own..i like him
Masse Apollo:
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