[UAH] Gen. Saleh To Head ‘Operation Household Wealth’ Program
General Caleb Akandwanaho, better known as Salim Saleh has been appointed by President Museveni to command 'Operation Household Wealth' in the original war zone of Ngoma Unit, Kabalega, Lutta Unit, Mondlane, Abdul Nasser, Mwanga, Kiwanguzi, Kyamusisi, according to Sarah Kagingo's Facebook wall.
Gen. Salim Saleh (L), Commander Operation Household Wealth addresses residents, Sunday 7th July 2013 -Ngoma, Nakaseke district.
Sarah Kagingo is Special Presidential Assistant on Communications.
Commander Saleh who is also Presidential Advisor on security will be deputized by Brig. Nalweyiso, a Senior Presidential Advisor for Defence and Security. Both Commanders are familiar with the area of operation.
Gen. Saleh, in particular, is renowned for his heroic battle victories at a tender age during the National Resistance Army Struggle for Freedom between 1980 and 1985 and earlier battles in the 70′s to free the country of the late President Idd Amin Dada. He is one of the 3 surviving President Museveni's trainees of Mozambique.
There were cheers and jubilations in Ngoma on Sunday afternoon the 7th of July when President Museveni announced that Gen Saleh would command Operation Household wealth. The operation's intent is to work with all stakeholders in the pursuit of improving household incomes. The end state is an annual income of not less than shs. 20 million.
President Yoweri Museveni is received by Hon.Syda Bbumba to commission electricity in Ngoma-Nakaseke district, Sunday 7th of July 2013
Gen. Saleh is credited for efforts to rejuvenate co-operative unions way back in 1999. He spearheaded innovation of tools that contributed to Government's adoption of Venture capital and rural financial services as a policy. In 2003 he advocated for value-addition arguing that processing food into finished products would increase its shelf-life and ensure food security for Ugandans and increase its value on the market.
He has led a maize revolution in Nakaseke by creating value chains between producers, nucleus farmers, processors, distributors and marketeers. Today, Nakaseke boasts of its own brand of maize.
Asked by President Museveni to say a word to the people, Gen. Saleh said, "Afande, for us we are ready. We shall start as soon as you approve our operating procedure. If this acreage of land needs this amount of seeds for planting we shall ensure it is done immediately" Gen. Saleh said drawing applause from the audience.
The General is known for his military tactics he deploys for hands-on and practical solutions to assignments and challenges.
President Yoweri Museveni commissions electricity at Ngoma Headquarters -Nakaseke district, Sunday the 7th of July 2013
Whereas President Yoweri Museveni guides the country's development path and creation of wealth, and ensures Government allocates billions of shillings of financial resources to districts every financial year, local leaders sometimes do not follow up implementation of Government programmes to ensure value for money.
Therefore, General Saleh's new task is spot and many hope it will rectify the above problem.
*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
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The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987
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