{UAH} LandscapeHD reaches into Africa - Uganda
LandscapeHD reaches into Africa
LandscapeHD will be available throughout Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Mozambique and Burundi with a satellite footprint covering East and Central Africa.
The first commercial DTH satellite broadcasting of a linear 1080p television channel will commence in Africa later this year, as the result of the agreement by Sahara Media of Tanzania to broadcast the Landscape Channel in full HD, commencing this autumn. The broadcaster said it is a first for technology and for Africa.
LandscapeHD is a free to air music channel funded by national government tourism advertising, as well as global and local brand advertising, in a new languageless format only seen on the Landscape Channel. "It takes global languagless tourism and destination advertising, previously used on the internet, and delivers it into traditional television broadcast homes using its new proprietary mini-server IP distribution system. This is connected to normal in-home television services (such as cable, satellite and now the fast developing connected tv market)."
According to LamndscapeHD, "this unique distribution system is expected to deliver a raft of new specialist music channels into traditional television distribution over the coming twelve months, as distributors discover how this new technology can deliver specialist music channels anywhere in the world, without the traditional costs associated with broadcast servers and rights societies determined to squeeze the life out of minority music channels by the charges they levy for specialist music at the same rate as pop music."
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