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[UAH] M7 the genius?


I am being me.
I cannot help admire certain things even though they are very contrary to my personal beliefs and consciousness.
Hands up for Yoweri Musevensky Mwene Kaguta, a native of.... well where ever.
For now lets call him an African.
The man has had an uninterrupted iron fist rule for 27 solid years and still counting.
As it stands now, there is no wavering by him nor an end of his rule in sight.Unless of-course the omnipotent decides.
What I see is hopeful thinking....and probably wishing too.
Gen Tinye jumps ship, we are all over the place hoping that he probably has something that will bring the gene down.
But alas, I have followed this Yosweri for quite some time now, he plays an-ahead-game. Many of us simply try to catch up.More often than not, never do!
He gets away with it. We make noise and that is just about it.
We cannot even sit around the same table to talk about what affects ALL of us without selfishness virtually taking over.
We look at our selves ONLY thru tribal mirrors: which has nourished M7's grip on us all this time.
The only person who may have had an insight to M7's devious methods Dr. KB was at the very beginning nearly crucified by his very own people: including Tinye.
By the time they wake up. The political chess genius has already devised a way out of a political stalemate.
To me, the problem is not Musevenisky. It us. WE!!!!!
We cannot agree with one another on anything.
Place money  amidst us, we are thrown into a brain-lock kabisa
Then the blame game begins. Trust is thrown overboard. Commitment is un-there.
Badokoli this, tutsi that....just name it
Do we even really know what we want?
M7 is not ruling all by himself. It is me, you and him. We help him screw up our country and then complain.
A few examples:
Look at Mahogany. At one time he rolled his eyes like his former Boss. Put a kofira like his former boss. What the hell was he thinking then that was changed?
Days towards the end of Kazini's days on earth, he was the bitterest man in UPDF. More bitter than even Brig Tumukunde. How M7 is a dictator. Imagine Kazine of that line of thought?????? I had more questions than will ever get answers .
The constitution is now a worthless piece of paper. I bet M7 refers to it only when he must but does he really need it? And who approves what he decides? Our Honorables that apparently represent us. To which I say "Imaana Yangye"!
As far as I can tell the conditions in Uganda are soooo ripe that a carefully planned ignition of a spark plug will plunge the country into chaos but may ultimately get rid of M7. But can that ever happen? No. Why? Not a clue!
 Are we ready for the eventualities? Have we learnt lessons as to why we are where we are? Do we really know what we; as Ugandans belonging to different tribal groupings?
Those are some of the things I have alot of doubt in my mind!
If you ask me: I wish M7 never pretended to be mbu a "democratic revolutionary", ruled as a totalitarian but delivering goods and services, create short a benevolent dictator, where would Uganda be?
No matter the way you look at it, whether you like it or not agree or not M7 keeps his game ahead of everybody.
It was on UAH that I put up a pic of Baby DOC as the next president. 
"Over my dead body" was what one told me off.
Indeed it will be over his dead body!

*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
 We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
 individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} '1949-1987

*"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable"**…  *J.F Kennedy


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