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Unlike Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Museveni neglected the people of
Luwero Triangle and the war veterans who helped him alot during his
guerrilla war that brought him to power.
Museveni delibarately neglected these areas and the war veterans so
that it serves as a measure to deter and discourage others who may
venture into supporting armed rebellion against him. In that way, the
loss of life and destruction of Luwero Triangle's economic base during
the war over 27 years ago, the total neglect of war veterans and the
current appaling poverty levels in the Luwero triangle is a clear
message that you support rebellion at your own peril.

For similar reasons during the insurgency in nothern Uganda region,
its economic base was delibarately dismantled. The donor money for the
rebuilding the rame region has been wantonly stollen under the
supervision of the Prime Minister. There is no doubt thd people of
nothern Uganda rejected the Museveni governance right from the start
and therefore supported the insurgency. To Museveni, a succesful
rehabilitation of nothern Uganda would amount to rewarding the area
for supported the rebellion. At the same time the program was
designed to be a means of attracting donor money. How would the UPC
goverment have treated Luwero triangle had they managed to wipe out
Museveni's gurrillas and ended the war in the early 1980s?

However, Museveni is faced with a threat of armed rebellion with bases
in Buganda region. He has hastly piched camp in the former Luwero
Triangle under the guise of fighting poverty, deployed his top
Generals and demarcated the area with senior army officers as Zonal
commanders. In military terms, these are purely counter insurgency
operations meant to win back the local support and deny the enemy
ground. Am sure even the budget for this operation is either directly
or indirectly from the Ministry of Defence. The appointment of Gen
Katumba Wamala - a Muganda as head of the army also alludes to these

Unfortunately, the major problem of oppressed Ugandans is failure to
understand Museveni's manipulative ways.

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