[UAH] RWANDA, INC. - focus on President Kagame's leadership style
Rwanda Inc
Desmond Tutu once asserted that "If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies." This view is reinforced through Rwanda Inc. a book that I recommend all Rwanda detractors to read.
Unlike most other publications on Rwanda and Africa, which generally castigate our failures, this book posts a positive and an accurate image of Rwanda and points out the ability of the nation to rebuild itself from scratch in the aftermath of 1994 Genocide, with deep analysis and case-based scenarios that will mesmerise allies and foes of Rwanda in equal measures.
Patricia and Redmond who collaborated to author, "Rwanda Inc", published in 2012, are experts in their respective careers.
Patricia Crisafulli is a published author and a former business journalist and Andrea Redmond is an expert on leadership and governance who works with corporations, Fortune 500 companies, and private investors.
The opening chapters of this masterpiece take the reader through recent Rwanda's turbulent past that culminated into bloody Genocide. It digs deep into the aftermath of a nation shattered economically, socially and without any political direction.
Then progressively, the book delves into efforts by different players to stabilise the country and it focuses on President Kagame's leadership style, as a company CEO where the book draws it's title "Rwanda Inc."
It underscores the extraordinary persona of the nation's current President for all the turnarounds in the country even in the face of his detractors. Having successfully led the liberation struggle against Hutu extremism, the book pin-points Kagame as an effective military leader, who used his military finesse to; foster the unity and reconciliation, uplift his people from poverty, improve standards of living, fight corruption and bring his country to a complete journey of recovery making Rwanda one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
According to the authoritative Fraser Institute, which tracks an index of economic freedom for each of 144 nations, Rwanda's overall index has been one of the fastest growing in the world since it emerged from the human catastrophe that was the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.
Patricia and Redmond feel that sometimes, facts and realities about Rwanda are misrepresented and to this they said "we did feel there was a lack of information, particularly around the great strides Rwanda has made in its economic development--a story that we felt was worth sharing and wanted to tell it in Rwanda, Inc."
Through this book the authors also respond to criticisms against President Kagame notably one of the concerns is that he has not permitted freedom of the press. The response to this is that since the genocide, it has been necessary to limit speech that is potentially inflammatory owing to the fact that press played a visible role in sowing and promoting hatred amongst Rwandan people leading to the calamity of 1994.
To justify this position, the authors make a valid reference to Germany and other European nations where to date, hate speeches are categorised as crimes which is a similar position taken by Rwanda government to impose laws against hate speeches that promote divisionism, genocide ideology and other harmful propaganda.
Recently, I had a rare opportunity to meet with Patricia, one of the authors during her recent sojourn in Kigali and we talked about a shared passion-books, and particularly Rwanda Inc.
When I asked her about the journey to Rwanda Inc and how the reader should trust its content, Patricia responded "we did extensive research and conducted many interviews in Rwanda--including with President Kagame and several ministers--as well as investors, business leaders, and a variety of stakeholders."
She continues to say that outside of Rwanda, "we spoke with people who are very knowledgeable about the country and its goals and achievements."
On challenges of obtaining copies of Rwanda Inc locally, the authors regretted the situation as unfortunate and disappointing. There are now assurances that the book will be available locally since publisher's distribution issues that hampered the availability of the book on our local shelves were solved.
In conclusion, one could say that Rwanda Inc is an inspiring book to read; for it points out the positive image of Rwanda and gives hope that there is something good that can come out of Africa after all.
It underscores the role of leaders in shaping the destiny of the masses they lead through principle-centered leadership, discipline and sacrifice. I would encourage every Rwandan to read this book!
The writer is and educationist, author and publisher
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