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{UAH} UCC should monitor television content

UCC should monitor television content

Every time I watch local TV, I am shocked by the amount of sexual innuendo in many of the programmes especially music videos.

If staff at the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) cannot clean our TV of all this sexual innuendo for us as a nation, then please do it at least for your relatives and children because they too are being negatively affected by this sexualized media.

What baffles me even the more is the fact that if the women and men we see in some of these music videos did the things they do on the streets of Kampala during day or even at night, there would be public outcry.

Ideally, for anyone to view such erotic dances, he/she has to check into a strip club or a brothel. Such places have age limits for admission and people go there at will. I would like to call upon the Inter-Religious Council to put pressure on UCC to put an end to this immorality because I am not aware of any religious teaching that condones display of such erotic acts.

I also hope the ministry of Health, in its bid to lower the HIV prevalence rates, will pick interest in regulating the content on our TV.

Because if an advert runs (for about a minute) telling adolescents to abstain from sex and right after that a music video full of erotic dances is played for about five minutes; what do you expect the poor adolescent to walk away with? Nature already has its own pressures it puts on us and the media should help uphold moral standards.

Reagan Turakira,


Without God, our week would be: Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday,Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday & Shatterday. Remember seven days without God makes one WEAK!!"And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)

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