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{UAH} Uganda: Such Big Babies, These Men!

Uganda: Such Big Babies, These Men!

30 JULY 2013 

The Observer (Kampala)

Stella, 38, seems out of breath with dirty shirts on her arm, when I carry in 27-year-old Trish's bags with Joanna, 32, close on our heels. The girls are at Stella's for lunch.

Stella: Are men always this messy? Bannange, at this rate my grounds for divorce will be unprecedented!

Katie: Hmm, at least be thankful that he goes to the bathroom by himself; he does not need potty training like puppies.

Joanna: Trouble in paradise? Alur is supposed to be the angel, I thought?

Stella: That he is, but all this picking up after him? Surely!

Trish: And where were you looking when you visited his home while you were dating? The ceiling?

[The other girls laugh so hard, but Stella is not amused.]

Stella: For your information, he was very neat when I visited. There was even a cleaning lady back then...

Trish: ...That is called bait. All guys do that, until you arrive.

Stella: What do you know about what they do until you arrive? You are not married.

Trish: And not aspiring to be any time soon.

Katie: I hear you, Trish. I mean, how do you know he is the one? I bet you, Stella, you didn't know he was untidy when you were dating.

Joanna: Surely he can't be that messy. Reinstate the cleaning lady then.

Stella: Hmm, I fired her for over-efficiency. She was bustling around my house like the 'madam' of the home!

Joanna: So, where is the crisis then? You seem to have made your bed...

Stella: Is it too much for him to put both his socks in the laundry basket, put the toilet seat down and hang up his wet towel? I fear for when my babies come.

Trish: I hear you married people fondly call your husbands your first babies - even as they leave you skid marks in their boxers to wash up. Yuck! Anything for my single life!

Katie: I will drink to that, Trish; let's go, I am thirsty after this man-talk.

Trish takes her bags from me and hands me receipts to go pick up her laundry from the drycleaner's.

Gwokto La'Kitgum

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