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{UAH} The war in the DRC is controlled by "multinational Anglo-Saxon and Belgian"

ImageElio DI RUPO and Barack Obama

The drama of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has now deported on major international media. The world has finally remembered six million dead in eastern DRC. The famous French investigative website, Mediapart, devoted an entire survey on the "forgotten war" of the DRC and its "millions of dead." Like other voices that have been condemning this disaster Mediapart think the conflict in the East is controlled by "multinational Anglo-Saxon and Belgian" which are intended solely as illegal and illicit exploitation of resources nature of the DRC. Mediapart, citing the International Rescue Committee is of the opinion that the conflict in the DRC has broken all records in terms of number of victims amounted to millions. 

"This is the deadliest conflict since World War II," he says. Beyond the recurring war that eats this part of the DRC, Mediapart also sees the shadow of the "slow balkanization desired by the great powers through a policy of deliberately organized chaos" and that " under the helpless eyes of the UN accused of being an accomplice. " 

The French site is convinced that everything has been set up at international level to further weaken the DRC and not allow him to properly administer its territory. "A state strong , democratic control which affects its raw materials and the market price has become an obsession with them, "he recalls. Confirming black on white the theory of international conspiracy suffered by the DRC. 

For a long time, the potential relayed this thesis, attracting lightning at times in some quarters, national and international, directly or indirectly involved in the project of dismantling the DRC. Today, it is the West that is going debate. And the death knell of a conspiracy, now doomed.

Here's the full article included in the site Mediapart.

"In the most outrageous media silence, the population of a country called, DRC in Africa comes to the worst abuses. The civilian population is the target of exterminators who clean the ground for the multinational Anglo-Saxon and Belgium for the most part in a UN report in 2003 (These companies plundering the Democratic Republic of the Congo War Coltan in the DRC - Infoguerre; metals contained in mobile phones are used to finance a war of great brutality in Congo, Congo: World Bank and multinational super-organized the looting of raw materials, and also The Lutundula Report (December 2005), Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID): The Unanswered Questions: Companies, Conflict and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (May 2004)). It is neither more nor less than to scare people coveted by multinational mining areas.phones mobile fund a war of great brutality Congo Congo: World Bank and multinational organized the super-looting of raw materials, and also The Lutundula Report (December 2005), Rights and Accountability in Development (RAID) The Unanswered Questions: Companies, Conflict and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (May 2004)). It is neither more nor less than to scare people coveted by multinational mining areas.

The weapons used are the rape of women organized by the rebels from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi (Funding a Women's Movement Against Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: 2004-2009) but also by loyalist forces ( Le Figaro, DRC: Armed soldiers who are carriers of AIDS are paid twice as much for rape) when it is not simply a matter of outright extermination of people from villages on mining lands coveted.Funding a Women's Movement Against Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo: 2004-2009) but also by loyalist forces (Le Figaro, DRC: Armed soldiers who are carriers of AIDS are paid twice as much for rape) when it not simply a matter of outright extermination of people from villages on mining lands coveted.

The balance sheet amounts to millions of deaths (Caritas). According to the International Rescue Committee, which is the deadliest conflict since World War II.

The war seems to take under the helpless eyes of the UN accused of being an accomplice to a slow balkanization desired by the great powers through a policy of deliberately organized chaos. A strong democratic state, which controls its raw materials and affects market prices became haunting them.

Five steps to understand the conflict

1. The French army, after having supported, exfiltrate the Rwandan genocide in the DRC in July 1994 under the government of dictator Mobutu acquired at the time the French authorities and released by the United States.Rwandan genocidal forces continue to kill people in Rwanda.

2. The Rwanda takes this as a pretext to invade the Congo with the support of the United States and Britain. He is backed by Uganda and Rwanda great ally supported by the United States. On their way Rwandan forces massacred people who fled Rwanda and are taken hostage by the former Rwandan genocidal forces in the DRC and take the direction of Kinshasa. On 8 October 1997, Human Rights Watch and the International Federation of Human Rights claim to have "irrefutable evidence" of massacres in eastern Zaire by Kabila's AFDL and RPF-APR , Rwandan allies. Rwandan troops eventually impose on the country's leader Laurent Kabila (aka Mzee) in 1997.

3. In 1998, Mzee turned against his former Rwandan allies and relies on a diverse coalition supported by France (Angola, Zimbabwe, ...) against a Rwandan and Ugandan coalition Anglo-Saxon (United States, Great Britain , Belgium: Why the West support the Rwanda and Uganda). This terrible war of liberation of the DRC between 1998 and 2003 would have been more than 4 million deaths. 

4. In 2001, Mzee was assassinated in circumstances not yet clear and is succeeded by his son who fought with the Rwandan forces. It follows a continued pillaging of eastern DRC rebels interposed that are run by neighboring countries (Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi).

5. Since 2005, supported by the major powers and their multinational war continues east for control of staggering mineral wealth (gold, coltan, diamonds, ...). The rebels swarm, armed by Rwanda and Uganda who profit from chaos in the sub-region while the regime in Kinshasa is accused of being let into the vassal of Rwanda and Uganda. Loyalist forces are equally accused of using rape and massacres that supported or opposed by the rebel Rwanda and Uganda. "

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