{UAH} A wierd Soviet Plane
This is one of the weirdest exhibit of the Air Force Museum in Monino, the Moscow Region: a Bartini plane that was turned into an ekranoplan. Today we'll study the exterior of the vehicle.
The wings and the empennage are dosmantled, no engines are left. VVA-14 was made on the basis of an amphibian project MVA-62 developed in 1962. The main constructor – R.L. Bartini. Both the amphibian and its creator were quite unusual for their time.
The cab's nose, we can see mounts for auxiliary lift engines which were used in the attempts to make an ekranoplan from VVA-14.
Heavy "pits"
MVA-62 became a basis for designing a bigger anti-submarine vertical takeoff amphibian VVA-14.The plan gave lots of reasons for doubts but was too revolutionary not to give it a try.
The back view, do you sea a hatch?
The right end of the aft body, someone tried to bite it?
The left was bitten off
VVA-14 had to become a part of an aviation anti-submarine complex consisting of the plane itslef, target search and track system "Burevestnik", anti-submarine weapon and the afloat fuelling system. The complex was intended for search and destruction of submarines located 1200-1500 km away.
The left side
Wings attaching point
VVA-14 represented the whole complex of unusual technical solutions and each of them demanded a lot of engineering efforts before test flights.
The cabin's view from the portside.
For the tests of the control system, there were made two piloting stands: with a movable and a stationary cabins.
Another view.
A fuselage of a semimonoqoque structure turning to a center-section. In the forebody is a three seater cabin.
Before turning into an ekranoplan
Various hatches
The attaching point of the right empennage group
Part of the cowling shutter
Pontoon – the rear view
Another rear view
Looks like a mount attachment for transportation and wings dismantling
The cowling shutter from the outer side of the pontoon
Some devices under the cabin
The view from under the cab
A ready ekranoplan
A rear view from the left side
Cowling shutter
The cabin
The pontoons and their retraction-extansion system is just filled with various unique devices.
The forepart chassis
Its rear view
The cavity for forepart chassis retraction
Main gear
The cavity for its retraction
Side gear
The left one
The right one
Looks fragile
Cavity for their retraction
Ekranoplan layout
The tail hatch
The bottom view from the rear
Cavities in the pontoons
The hatch inside of the pontoon
The hole in the left tail-end
Main engines frame
Lift engines frame
Left main wing
Ports inside
Another one

The results of VVA-14 tests gave a huge experience and important data that were further used for the development of the largest amphibian A-40 "Albatros".
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