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{UAH} WITH THIS NONSENSE, I AM GOING TO BED MAN. Why do Afrians kill each other? Geez !!!!!

DR Congo: Army has targeted a camp of the M23, denies killing civilians

The Congolese army has acknowledged Thursday it bombed a military camp controlled by the rebels of the Movement of 23 March (M23) in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, but has denied killing civilians as the accused in the M23.

"Our helicopters have indeed targeted Wednesday Rumangabo camp. There are no civilian bombing that killed our target was the M23 elements in the camp Rumangabo", 45 km north of Goma, the capital of the province of North Kivu, told AFP a senior officer of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC).

On Wednesday, the M23 had accused the army have pounded a neighborhood near Camp Rumangabo, including killing civilians. This version was confirmed by a resident interviewed in this area by a journalist from AFP."The camp has not been touched. Planes bombed here," he said, showing the destroyed houses.

This "act of war crime" had "15 killed" - including women and children - as well as "28 serious injuries," had told AFP Lieutenant Colonel Kazarama, spokesman for the M23.

, For his part, told AFP on Thursday a responsible civil society Rutshuru, a border territory of Rwanda and "three children from the same family killed and four injured, including three children and my own cousin There are" Uganda as part of the M23 control.

The rebellion was Wednesday sent a statement denouncing a "foolish and irresponsible" bombing that deliberately targeted civilians. Two undated photographs were joined in support.

Thursday, M23 released several photos dated Wednesday and presented as one of the places showing disemboweled or dismembered bodies, houses destroyed or fleeing civilians.

The M23 has been active since May 2012 in the rich and volatile North Kivu province. It is composed mostly of Tutsi Congolese integrated into the FARDC in favor of a peace agreement signed in 2009. They mutinied in April 2012, saying that the agreement was never fully respected.

Kinshasa and the UN has accused Rwanda and Uganda of supporting the M23, that the two neighboring countries of DRC have always denied. On Tuesday, the United States has raised its voice against Rwanda, asking him to withdraw his troops from the DRC and cease its support for rebels M23, accused of atrocities in the east of the country - particularly in a report released this week by Human Rights Watch.




           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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