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{UAH} The Assumption of our Lady: Abiding in our Hearts:

As we celebrate the great solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, we reflect on what it means to abide in another.  Abiding in someone means giving your whole heart to them as a gift, and receiving them into your own heart.  And so, by abiding in one another, two persons carry the very presence of their beloved in their hearts wherever they go. 


Throughout her life, Mary carried the Presence of God in her at every moment, for she abided in Him at all times.  And now, unlike any other creature under heaven, she abides in Him totally, body and soul, for during her earthly life, she gave herself so completely to the One whom her heart loved that when her pilgrimage in this world ended, she was assumed into heaven and now enjoys His presence forever.  By a singular grace of God, she now enjoys what we one day hope to partake in, to be united with the One for whom our restless hearts long. This is why the Church says of her in the liturgy, "He has chosen her, His loved one from the beginning. He has taken her to live with Him."


Mary lived so perfectly in the freedom of the gift, that she has become the exemplar of faith for all of us, who often follow the misguided path of our first parents in the garden as we reach for the empty promises and pleasures of the here and now.  And whereas our culture would tell us that this is freedom, Mary shows us the way to true and lasting freedom in God.  Instead of reaching for an empty promise, Mary lovingly waits to receive all that she needs from her Lord, the Giver of life, and then responds to the call of her Beloved to abide in Him, holding nothing back.  She knows that He alone can fulfill the desires of her heart.  Thus, she shows us the way of active receptivity, of receiving from Him and then giving herself entirely to Him and to us in the true freedom of the gift. 


Think of a time when you've encountered someone who lives out this Marian docility-it is a beautiful thing to behold, for when someone abides in God at every moment, His presence will be made manifest in their very body.  The freedom, the peace, and the joy that radiates from that person is captivating, and they become a beautiful witness of what it means to truly abide in Jesus Christ.  That freedom is offered to every one of us. It is ours to embrace. And I believe that Our Lady, who has been honored by many titles throughout the history of the Church enjoys her role as Mother the most, for now, having been assumed into heaven, she gives herself fully to us, her beloved sons and daughters, so that she and her Son may abide in our hearts, and we in theirs.

By Fr. Andy Gutierrez

Paul Mugerwa

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