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DRC: Colonel Bisamaza killed by Congolese army

21/08/2013 4:31:00 p.m.kongoTimes!

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Only eight days after defected FARDC with sixty men, some officers and a cargo of ammunition, the officer has been killed by the valiant regular forces of the DRC.A strong towards MONUSCO and confirming that if this UN mission did not slow down the regular forces, the M23 today would combine the past reports.

The news has not finished headlines it is already in his epilogue. There are only eight days, on August 12, the Colonel Richard Bisamaza, acting commander of the first sector of the FARDC in Beni was defected with sixty items and some officers. Deserters had brought a large quantity of ammunition and had estimated join the M23 to Rutshuru to fight against government forces.

In fleeing, Bisamaza already knew in the crosshairs of the disciplinary bodies and the army and had to answer a summons from his superiors in Kinshasa. Rather, he preferred to withdraw to Eringeti village where the FARDC 807th Regiment, a unit that led the fugitive before he has been acting commander of the first sector of the Congolese army in Beni, the second city more important in the province of North Kivu.

Evil has taken Bisamaza that failed to assess the level of efficiency that the FARDC have reached so far. No later than yesterday, in fact, Colonel Bisamaza died in fighting between the FARDC and the gang in the area Bapere northwest of Beni. For now, the rest of his men are subject to a stalking regular forces, but the commander of operations in the region invites to return the ranks of the national army.

The misfortune that comes from knowing Bisamaza should give an indication of the organization that is installed in the FARDC to impart efficiency foolproof, and prevent all traitors on the fate which may be the case in their adventure. It is not for nothing that the people of North Kivu and across the country to the diaspora have rows behind the national army which they expect the final annihilation of the Rwandan adventure DRC through the FARDC.

All credit goes to the Supreme Commander of the FARDC, Joseph Kabila, whose determination to preserve the territorial integrity today produces fruit recognized by all and all political persuasions. For the first faith, indeed, a consensus emerges on the recognition of the growing power of the FARDC, an increase that restores confidence and founded new hopes of Congolese about a peaceful future for the development of their country.

This new situation should challenge the international community in general and in particular MONUSCO about the need to eradicate the earlier threat M23. Everybody agrees to say, in effect, that if the UN mission had not slowed down the momentum of the regular forces, the pro-Rwandan movement today would combine the past.Congolese are increasingly convinced that ultimately, the instability of the DRC is a business for some powers who want the UN mission in the DRC drags to draw gruesome sinecures on the corpses of Congolese.

[Pascal Debre Mpoko]

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