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{UAH} Fwd.ed, EGYPT - current list of the CHURCHES burned or burning...

Fwd.ed, Egypt - current list of the CHURCHES burned or burning. Cont. Prayers Requested for Peace Restoration, most esp. in Egypt & all troubled g - villages. ThankU. 

Ref. The List Below.


Says Black:  

What do Muslim Brotherhood members do when Egyptian Security Forces launch a fore-warned operation to clear them from Cairo tent cities? Attack Christians. That's right.
Morsi supporters responded with a monumental attack--unprecedented in modern times--on churches throughout Egypt:

Church of the Virgin Mary and Anba Abram of the Curpts Orthodox. the village of Daljah, the district of Deir Mawas, Minya province. Burning and demolishing the church.
The Church of St. Mina of the Coptic Orthodox. The neighborhood of Abu Hilal Kebly Minya province. Burning the church.
St. George Church. Coptic Orthodox archbishopric land, Sohag province. Burning the church.
Baptist Church. Status of Bani Mazar, Minya province. Burning the church
Church of the Virgin Lady of the Copts Orthodox, Nazlah village, Yusuf the righteous district, Fayoum province. Burning the church…
Monastery of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd School. Suez. Burning.
Church of Franciscan fathers. Street 23. Suez. Burning.
Bible society friends, fayoum. Burning.
Church of Saint Maximus. 45th Street. Alexandria. Harassment.
Church of Prince Taodharos Elchatbi. Fayoum. Burning.
Church of the virgin Lady of the Coptic Orthodox. butchers street. Abu Hilal District. Minia province. Burning.
Church of Saint Mark. Catholic Copts. Abu Hilal District, Minya province. Burning.
Church of the Jesuit Fathers. Abu Hilal District, Minya province. Burning.
Church of the Virgin and Anba Abram. Sohag. Burning.
Church of Saint Mark, and the building of services. electricity Street. Sohag. Burning.
The house of Father Onjelios king. Pastor of the Church of the Virgin and Anba Abram in Daljah. Deir Mawas district. Minya province. Burning the house completely.
Burning, the Greek Church in Suez. (CMN News 2013)

No Support from the West for Egypt Christians –

No condemnation From Obama The culmination of his Policy
I praise the Courage of those Muslims that stood and helped Christians. Many Tried to Defend the Catholic Churches Amazing Courage against Fanatics – These are the real heroes of this Conflict. End.

Have Your Say.

Says Themacks30 / Ian McNichol :

Anybody who does not like the Country they are living in will be welcome to come to England. We have so much to offer and it's all FREE, so all you disillusioned Egyptians who are fed up with the fighting you are welcome.

You see people over here do as they are told and are too soft to fight in case they loose their house, you will be on a peanut wage with sky high prices but we put up with it and won't fight. So if you want a peaceful existence but have the fear of God put up, you come over.
I get what you are saying, I think there will come a point where things are too much to take, all we do is moan, people have to do more, we will have work-houses next, we will be serfs.


Says Sensible-Jim:

Every time I turn on my TV or internet news it's always one middle eastern country after another in turmoil..... Honestly, is anyone else just plain sick of British news overrun with other countries' issues ALL the time, to the detriment of what's going on at home?

 NO, you can choose what you watch we live in a global world. IN FACT I SUGGEST you don't click on anything other then 'home' on the sky page. To HAVE got to this section you must have selected 'world'.
Escape from Hell  account by the Rabaa
Medic. Dr. here captured the scenario well.
Our thoughts for all, including Morsi here.
May sanity be restored within human race,
- Peace, To The World /
- Amb. Ikanos Ka Doyen Alwasi Ata

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