UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


As we explained at the beginning of our campaign, we believe that UNAA's best days lie ahead of it. 

a) We believe UNAA will be that association whose leaders and members respect its constitution.

b) We believe UNAA will be that association whose members embrace diversity of opinion, political ideology, ethnicity, religious affiliation, etc.

c) We believe UNAA will be that association whose members discuss and approve a strategic plan of action during the AGM at the beginning of a fiscal year. 

d) We believe UNAA will be that association which releases timely and audited financial reports on or before schedule. 

e) We believe UNAA will be that association that makes fiscally responsible decisions whose benefits can be; i) lower registration costs,  ii) lower vendor table costs, iii) Scholarships for our community high school and college children, etc. 

f) We believe UNAA will be that association with an all-year-round schedule of member-centric activities in the different parts of North America. 

g) We believe UNAA will be the association through which Ugandans in North America will find common ground and the voice on issue like Diaspora voting, citizenship, residency, health and employment issues. 

h) We believe UNAA will be where Ugandans new to North America go to find the best advice to settle in. 

i) We believe UNAA will continue to celebrate and espouse its special diversity and become the umbrella organization of choice for all Ugandans in North America. 

j) We believe UNAA will grow into an even more formidable association, always flying the winning flag well beyond challenge. 

k) We believe UNAA will be that association we will all be proud to belong to because it is the trusted and predictable home of principle, fairness, ethical practices and an assured future.


These are the aspirations we commit to realize for UNAA and the ones we believe most of you share.

Thank you,

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