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{UAH} The latest book on oil discovery in Uganda titled,OIL DISCOVERY: THE ROLE UGANDANS PLAYED which led to 2006 oil discovery

Dear All

This is a book researched and written by Ugandans which has the most complete, full story, unabridged history of oil exploration and discovery by the Pioneer Group made of peole like its leader, Fredrick Kabagambe-Kaliisa,current Permament Secretary in the mnistry of Energy and Mineral Development.

The role Ugandans played in this oil discovery, hitherto unpublished, traces the story of Uganda oil discovery to its very beginning in pre-colonial days. to the 1900s, to the present status in August 2013.

If it was not for these Ugandans efforts in embarking on finding clues to the presence of oil in Uganda, there would be no oil to talk about today in Uganda. It is because of these people today Uganda is talking about oil discovery and a bright future as an oil producing country.

So, what happened? Why did the presence of oil in Uganda remain a secret until these Ugandans came on stage and discovered the clues in the 1980s.

The role Ugandans played is this oil discovery is fully demonstrated. Uganda has not waited for an overseas so-called expert to come and demand billions of dollars to write a book abut our oil discovery.
The oil was located in Uganda by God, and the discovery was done by Ugandans and the book is written by Ugandans.

The Pioneer Group of Ugandans who did the initial oil research, exploration and discovery, including the role Yoweri Kaguta Museveni played are exhbited.
While the inital job was done the Pioneer Group, a new crop of oil players hass come up.

Their role is equally important. These are the custodians of the petrol dollars that come in the country from oil. These trillions, and trillions of petrol dollars must be kept in the safest hands possible. The player of this role is the Governor of the Bank of Uganda. Today this person is Emmanueli Tumusiime Mutebile. He receives the dollars and keeps them safe in the Bank of Uganda.

Another very important player is the Auditor General, Jimmy Muwanga. This one acts as the people's watch dog. He looks, and monitors, how  the dollars are flowing into the Bank of Uganda, and how they are dispersed to the different Government organs. It is his job to detect any foul play which on the petrol dollars the country receives from the oil companies.

Then another group of players is Parliament, the  Speaker of Parliament, and international and domestic Civic Organisations.

It was this group of players, in the 9th Parliament that the oil industry programme  was revolutionised by the passage of the historic 10 Resolutions Parliament adopted in 2010.

The historic House Speaker,, the first Woman House Speaker in Uganda's history, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga played a crucial role in the oil industry by her  conduction of Parliamentary debates, in the Special Session on the oil industry, in the most unbiased, most nuetral way of Parliamentary debates.

The Special Session of October 10-14, 2010 earned a special space in Uganda's history.

It adopted the 10 Resolutions which removed the operation of oil agreements and laws from the secrecy of earlier days.

From then on the making of oil agreements and laws became public projects in which the public, through the press, civic organisations, and, of course Parliamentary, became a public concern.

The Civic Organisations, both international and domestic, became players in the oil industry because they played the role, and will continue to play that role, of championing people's oil interests.

Indeed, it was civic organisations which initially discovered the weaknesses in the oil agreements, and laws, which had been signed in the early years of oil exploration.

See all these developments in the above book now available in UGANDA BOOKSHOP and MAKERERE UNIVERSITY BOOKSHOP at only shs 40,000/=

Henry Ford Mirima

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