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{UAH} Millions expected for canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII

The world is getting prepared for the major event : the canonization of two of the
greatest persons who have marked world history on many fronts. Late Popes
John Paul II and John XXIII are to be raised to the glory of the altar. The final decision 
as for the date of the event will be announced by Pope Francis during the consistory 
of cardinals to be held on the 30th of September 2013. And it's assumed the date of 
April 27, 2014 will probably be preferred. The October to December 2013 dates as previously
noted would definitely be ruled out as they are so very close to September 30 and in addition
during those months travelling by road for the estimated two million pilgrims from Poland will be difficult
as there will be a lot of snow to delay traffic movement. And in Rome some logistics needs to be fully carried out
to welcome and accommodate the influx of pilgrims from all over the world including Africa where the occasion
has been received with tremendous enthusiasm!
Pope John Paul II will be canonized after having made the required two canonical miracles : one, the miraculous
cure of the French nun who was dying of alzheimer, two, another miraculous cure of a Costa Rican mother who
was virtually finished with a terrible brain cancer tumor. As for Pope John XXIII the Pope has decided to canonize him 
following the only miracle he did in 1966 and which led to his beatification 13 years ago. A dying nun, Caterina Capitani,
rotting with a a very strong cancerous tumor in the stomack found herself miraculously cured after reciting a prayer to
Pope John XXIII. Pope Francis felt that this great Pope who led a very holy life and renovated Church outlook could go
through without insisting on a second miracle. News about his eventual canonization brought unprecedented jubilation
to his home town where bells tolled solemnly throughtout the day!
The two canonizations will of course take place in St Peter's Square which could hold a tightly-knit crowd of a million.
Other millions will have to follow on maxi-screens around the Square and in neighbouring streets.
 The two canonizations will definitely strengthen Pope Francis's position as a very popularly powerful Pope who is now
very sharply tackling difficult Church issues from all angles. And his determination and resolution to denounce any ill
in the Church has began winning for him  more and more support  from the Christians including those who had abandoned the Church !!
  Still talking about the glorification aspect it's important to notice that two new Popes have now been added on the list for future beatification / canonization: Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul I. This meansthere will now be three Popes on the waiting list if we include Pope Pius XII whom retired Pope Benedict XVI wanted to beatify.

At the same time the Church authorities in Cameroon, working in harmony with Rome, are introducing the cause for
beatification regarding the late Rev Fr Simon Mpeke, a very great priest reputed all over West Africa for his holiness, piety
and dedication as a model clergyman. Popularly known as Baba Simon, Rev Fr Mpeke was born in 1906 and was baptized
at the age of 12. He did seminary and was ordained at an advanced age. He died in 1975, leaving behind the trace of a
pure model saint. Fr Mpeke will of course be beatified and one day canonized. His souvenir all over Cameroon and in neighbouring
countries is very fruitful to the Church. Cameroon is a real pillar of African Christianity and the Church there is very dynamic
with a lot of initiatives from both the clergy and the laity.

Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )

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