{UAH} Mirima & Allan@MBU M7 HAS RETURNED ALL 'EBYAFFE' TO BUGANDA KINGDOM? Sabasajja Kabaka Awangale ne Museveni agende mirembe e lwakitula
Henry Mirima should learn to accept that some groups are kind of more powerful than the others........Baganda are more powerful than Banyoro and he needs to accept this. The Banyoro have their good things too we should accept.The Banyarwanda have a saying...,..UTAZI UBWENGYE ASHIIMA UBWE!
The rest of you too?Haa!Henry Ford Mirima - Spokesperson Bunyoro Kingdom: It was a positive sign from government towards the kingdom. However, government should look beyond Buganda and return what rightfully belongs to Bunyoro, Tooro, Acholi and all other chiefdoms. I don't see a reason why government appeases only Buganda while the rest of the cultural institutions look on.
Kenneth Oketa - Prime Minister Acholi Chiefdom: It's a positive development. As the Acholi we have many demands because our cultural institution was destroyed by the British colonialists, and we are seeking reparation for that damage. A law that prevents us from reaping royalties from oil in our region (together with Bunyoro) was passed and that is what we are looking forward to contest.
--On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 4:02 PM, rahimu jabendo <rahimujabendo@googlemail.com> wrote:
What government and Buganda Kingdom agreed on
"I thank God for helping Kabaka witness the return of properties," is all an ecstatic Katikkiro of Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga could say at an impromptu press conference at Mengo on Friday.
The katikkiro had called journalists to announce the kingdom's breakthrough with the central government on Friday night over the return of its property.
"I thank God who has kept the Kabaka to witness the return of his property. It has been slippery but the king has been guiding us all," Mr Mayiga said, adding that the kingdom should embrace the little they have achieved.
"Whatever we have received today is a landmark. The Kabaka came back from exile as just a head of clan but he is now a king. It has not been easy to get this in 20 years," he said, thanking President Museveni for having a "heart of negotiation" that has resulted in the return of the kingdom's property, and former Katikkiro John Baptist Walusimbi who initiated the talks with the President.
The government, apparently, offered an early gift to Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II for his 20th coronation anniversary by agreeing, on the eve, to unconditionally return some of the kingdom's property it seized more than 40 years ago.
According to the memorandum of understanding signed by President Museveni and the Kabaka on Friday evening, the government agreed to return the kingdom property that include all counties' and sub-counties' administrative buildings and land, Jesa Farm on Mityana Road, Mutesa House in London, which was sold by the Milton Obote government, Plot 52 on Kampala Road which houses King Fahd Plaza, and all land belonging to the kingdom.
To be returned
In addition, kingdom land which tenants have "illegally" occupied over the years is to be returned but Mengo and the central government will decide on the fate of those tenants.
All markets belonging to the kingdom are to be retuned but those under construction or already built will be subject for further discussion between Mengo and central government.All kingdom property taken by the government will, after proof of ownership, also be returned. The government will also renew all leases of property that had elapsed during the time the kingdom had been abolished.
In addition, the government promised to pay more than Shs20 billion in accrued rent arrears to Buganda Kingdom in 2014/15 financial year and to guarantee the Kabaka free movement in any part of the Buganda and Uganda as per the Constitution of Uganda.
On the other hand, the Kabaka undertook to allow the government to continue renting some of its properties and to respect people of different cultures within the kingdom's realm, notably the Banyala and Baruli who will not be evicted and will practise their culture freely.
Mengo also undertook not to criticise the central government and likewise, and that all properties returned will be used to benefit the people of Buganda.
Both parties agreed to put in place a committee to oversee the implementation of the agreement which became operational effective August 1, 2013.
Buganda Kingdom was represented by Katikkiro Mayiga, Prince David Wasajja (Kabaka Mutebi II's brother), kingdom Attorney General Apollo Makubuya and a Kabaka's loyalist Herbert Ndiwalana. The government side was represented by President Museveni and Attorney General Peter Nyombi.
Although Katikkiro Mayiga said the MoU was signed after recent negotiations, sources in Mengo say there have been no negotiations at least in the last four or five years but the President found it necessary for "political convenience" to sign the MoU at this particular time.
Mathias Mpuuga - Masaka Municipality, I welcome the gesture and await the Attorney General to officially lay an official document to Parliament confirming this position because it was not a personal offer but a government position so that it binds even future governments, and not a gesture for mere political expediency
Sifubangabo Michael – Minister of Information Busoga Kingdom: We are happy that the government has committed itself to compensate Buganda. But government should not extend the gesture to Buganda alone but also to other kingdoms. The sub-county headquarters in Busoga were for the chiefs and we want government to pay our busuulu (rental fee).
Betty Nambooze – Mukono Municipality: Whereas we are happy that the President has returned what rightfully belongs to Buganda, it should go beyond signing agreements and fulfilling them. We shall demand that all the agreements be laid in Parliament to make them official. We shall request the Attorney General to come to Parliament and brief Ugandans about the development.
Theodore Ssekikubo - Lwemiyaga County: It is better late than never. However, the question should be: why has it taken this long? As Baganda, we should not be blind-folded. These are desperate efforts by the President to try to placate Mengo and Buganda at large, so he can get ground for whatever he is calculating. This is nonetheless a political move.
Henry Ford Mirima - Spokesperson Bunyoro Kingdom: It was a positive sign from government towards the kingdom. However, government should look beyond Buganda and return what rightfully belongs to Bunyoro, Tooro, Acholi and all other chiefdoms. I don't see a reason why government appeases only Buganda while the rest of the cultural institutions look on.
Kenneth Oketa - Prime Minister Acholi Chiefdom: It's a positive development. As the Acholi we have many demands because our cultural institution was destroyed by the British colonialists, and we are seeking reparation for that damage. A law that prevents us from reaping royalties from oil in our region (together with Bunyoro) was passed and that is what we are looking forward to contest.
--On 2 August 2013 19:52, Hannah Ogwapiti <hannahogwapiti@googlemail.com> wrote:
President Yoweri Museveni Addiza Buganda Ebyaffe.
President Yoweri Museveni has this evening signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the presence of emissaries of His Majesty Ssabasajja Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II that marks the return of Buganda's Properties to the Kingdom, at State House Entebbe. The emissaries included Buganda's Prime Minister Owekitiibwa Charles Mayega, Prince David Wasajja, Owekitiibwa Apollo Makubuya and Ssabasajja Kabaka's subject Ndiwalana Herbert.
Before handing over the signed Memorandum of Understanding to Owekitiibwa Charles Mayega, the President said: "We've been having a long process of discussions between the Central Government and the Mengo Administration about the properties that used to belong to the Administration of the Buganda Kingdom.
These were official Estates for the Masaza, Amagombolola, properties of chiefs and a number of other properties. These were taken for administration by the provincial Government after the overthrow of the Constitution of 1962. We've been involved in long discussions. We have now agreed and signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will be availed to the media in due course.
I take pleasure in handing in the Memorandum of Understanding to the Prime Minister of Buganda Kingdom Owekitiibwa Charles Mayega.
The President handed over the Memorandum of Understanding signed by President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, witnessed by Attorney General Hon. Peter Nyombi and Ssabasajja Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II witnessed by the Prime Minister of Buganda, Owekitiibwa Charles Mayega.
Am full of joy for witnessing such a historical moment.
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---Theodore Roosevelt
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"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
---Theodore Roosevelt
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