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{UAH} Museveni came to conquer and occupy, not liberate Uganda

It is only now that some Ugandans are beginning to understand why Museveni and his Tutsi mercenaries engaged in a destructive guerrilla war that cost an estimated 700,000 people in the Luwero Triangle and grabbed at least half of Luwero Triangle land now under occupation by non-Baganda.

Earlier Tutsi refugees had participated in Amin murderous activities which Obote, among others, spoke about at some length. But some people for reasons best known to them have not grasped the harm some Tutsi have done to Uganda and are urging that attacks on Tutsi as a whole should be stopped.

The theme of the Ttabamiruka 2013 conference in USA is "Is Uganda under occupation?" Some commentators are now saying it is no longer a question it is a fact that Buganda is under occupation. Buganda and indeed Uganda is under Tutsi occupation. The recent Agreement signed by the Kabaka of Buganda and the President of Uganda is designed to legitimize this occupation, causing some Ugandans to speculate that the Kabaka signed at gun point or under pressure from his advisers who perhaps have struck a deal with the president. These are allegations that need investigation.

What we are trying to sort out is how we should collectively work together to liberate ourselves. To do that we have to agree on the root of the problem namely by identifying those Tutsi who are behind this occupation. We have repeatedly made it very clear that not all Tutsis are involved but we would like them to join us in finding a peaceful resolution of Uganda occupation by Tutsi. This is not sectarianism or racism as some have chosen to call it but an issue of national security.

Therefore, in trying to defend innocent Tutsi we should avoid making sweeping statements to the effect that we should refrain from criticizing Tutsi people as a whole in the Great Lakes region. We also believe that Tutsi and for that matter anyone whose hands are stained with blood of innocent Ugandans who lost their lives in the guerrilla war and subsequent war in Northern and Eastern Uganda should not be given a place in the opposition groups be they civilian or military until the proposed truth and reconciliation commission has done its work.  We have also agreed that political appointees should not participate in the transitional government until investigations have been conducted and cleared them of wrongdoing.  

Let it be known that the discussions we are having on this subject should be encouraged so that ultimately we develop a common position on how to respond with maximum effect.  


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