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{UAH} Nkoba za Mbogo & Youths - Wake up! -entrepreneur, 20, to become millionaire

The social media entrepreneur, 20, set to become millionaire who still lives at home... because he won't do his own laundry

  • Coventry University student got idea for music-sharing website in exam
  • Gianni O'Connor says venture capitalists have put millions into Micsu
  • But he 'can't iron shirts' and asks girls at university to wash his clothes

By Mark Duell


Making money: Gianni O'Connor, 20, who studies at Coventry University, got the idea for a music-sharing website during a finance exam

Making money: Gianni O'Connor, 20, who studies at Coventry University, got the idea for a music-sharing website during a finance exam

A young entrepreneur set to become Britain's latest social media millionaire has admitted he still lives at home because he cannot iron or wash his own clothes.

Coventry University student Gianni O'Connor, of Stanmore, Middlesex, got the idea for a music-sharing website thanks to a flash of inspiration in a finance examination during his degree course.

The 20-year-old, who attended the £14,460-a-year John Lyon School in Harrow, suddenly came up with the programming code for the website - Micsu - when he got distracted during the test, and wrote the formula on his paper.

Mr O'Connor then refused to leave the exam - which he passed - until he was allowed to make a copy of his brainwave. The student then built the website in a night-long cramming session.

He enlisted his friends to refine the coding needed for the website. Venture capitalists have since ploughed millions into the its development, he said, and it launched last month.

But despite his new-found fortune and success, Mr O'Connor admitted he is going to complete his final year at university - and still relies on his mother when it comes to doing the chores.

He said: 'I just did something I love and it took off, but at the same time I'm still just a normal student. My student life is exactly the same as everybody else. We live in a classic student house in Coventry. We've got plates lying around and a ceiling-high stack of pizza boxes.'

When not at university, Mr O'Connor lives with his mother Andrea Elliot-Grout, 48, stepfather Tommy Elliot-Grout, 46, three younger brothers and eight-year-old sister.

He added: 'I can't iron a shirt at all and need my mum to help out - she's amazing. When I try to wash my clothes myself I always shrink them.

'Just the other day I put a washed a white shirt with one of my ties and dyed it blue. When I'm at uni I lived next door to some girls and managed to persuade them to do my washing for me there too.

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Gianni O'Connor can't be bothered to do his own laundry
Gianni O'Connor, 20, in the kitchen of his home

Around the house: Despite his new-found fortune and success, Mr O'Connor admitted he is going to complete his final year at university - and still relies on his mother in Middlesex when it comes to doing the chores

Brainwave: The 20-year-old, who attended the £14,460-a-year John Lyon School in Harrow, suddenly came up with the programming code for the website - Micsu - and scribbled the formula on his test paper

Brainwave: The 20-year-old, who attended the £14,460-a-year John Lyon School in Harrow, suddenly came up with the programming code for the website - Micsu - and scribbled the formula on his test paper

Invention: The student enlisted his friends to refine the coding needed for Micsu. Venture capitalists have since ploughed millions into the remainder of its development, he said, and it was launched last month

Invention: The student enlisted his friends to refine the coding needed for Micsu. Venture capitalists have since ploughed millions into the remainder of its development, he said, and it was launched last month

'My room is always a tip too - mum tells me every day to clean it. She's a big fan of notes so will stick a Post-It on the mirror saying "It looks like World War Three" in there or something.

'I never do chores around the house, either. If I moved out of home now, I'd miss my family too much.'


He first created the website in July 2012 but did not tell the rest of his family about it for months.

Users log in through their Facebook account. Their music tastes are then monitored and cross-referenced with their social groups - and the website recommends other tracks and artists.

It also tells you what your friends are listening to. Mr O'Connor has set up his own firm, Tigerjaxx, which has published free website and iPhone versions of the site - which already has 50,000 users. 

Online venture: Users log in through their Facebook account. Their music tastes are then monitored and cross-referenced with their social groups - and the website recommends other tracks and artists

Online venture: Users log in through their Facebook account. Their music tastes are then monitored and cross-referenced with their social groups - and the website recommends other tracks and artists

Social media entrepreneur Gianni O'Connor aged 4
Social media entrepreneur Gianni O'Connor aged 6 on the beach

Boy: Mr O'Connor, who built his site in a night-long cramming session, is pictured aged four (left) and six (right)

Despite his success he still plans to return to university next month to complete the final year of his degree - fulfilling a promise he made to his late grandmother.

'I can't iron a shirt at all and need my mum to help out - she's amazing. When I try to wash my clothes myself I always shrink them'

Gianni O'Connor

His mother, Mrs Elliot-Grout, said: 'I'm so proud of him. He's never just been happy with what's expected, and will do a bit more.

'As a child if we bought him Lego it would be finished in seconds - I stopped buying him jigsaw puzzles as a kid because he did them so fast that it was a waste of money.

'As for his room - he's an average 20 year old. It's always messy - I'm always screaming, but he seems to get out of doing it.'

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