{UAH} NRM you will reap what you sow!
Uganda has decided to trample her constitution at every turn. Anything that inconveniences great dear leader is thrown out of the constitution at a whim! Term limits, democratic opposition, honest judges, fair Electoral Commission, etc. People like a former Chief Justice who should have the honor and courage and integrity to see that constitutionalism is a necessity for a country that has over the years suffered from the lack thereof are too busy pretending that they are the only judicial officers with vision to continue in office. "Would we break all the laws to get the Devil?" There is going to be a high price to pay, for what is being done by the NRM politicians now. What they are doing is nothing new, it is the same game played by different dictators the world over. You will eventually reap what you are sowing! Gen. Sejusa is a live and good example of that! Our only plea is that when the time come for you to take your medicine that you will do it like men without whining! People of good will should realize that we cannot build a country worth something with the current formula. We owe it to our children to do do or ask for better than this!
Paget Kintu
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