{UAH} Something A Ugandan/American is part of
I can say this Ugandan is part of this
"New Software Tool Tests Weapon Lethality Against Moving Targets
Military analysts now have a tool that brings together unprecedented modeling and simulation features to help them better choose or build weapons to overpower future threats. Such features allow military researchers to analyze, for example, how a grenade, artillery round or any other weapon performs – or falls short – against moving targets in complex battlefield scenarios, which is one of the biggest challenges the military faces today. With this information, researchers say, Army leaders can identify future technology investments early on, whether that is modifications to existing weapons or replacing them altogether.
"The Smart Weapon End-to-End Performance Model (SWEEPM) developed by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is a set of files and software that cover all impacts associated with firing a round and anything that affects the delivery of that round,"
Plans are underway to incorporate the tool in an analysis of a conceptually guided artillery round, created by ARL designers, where control forces are going to be required to address hitting moving targets. "
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