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Main entrance at Nsambya Hospital where Brother Cosmas Kafeero is admitted. 
The Madvani Ward in which the Brother is admitted Room No. 7
Room No. 7
 Names of patients admitted - No. 7 is Bro. Kafeero
A Nursing Sister checking on Brother Kafeero
Brother Cosmas Kafeero 
Christine the Nurse from Kisubi Brothers who is caring for Brother Kafeero at Nsambya
Brother kafeero talks and is jolly as if he is not that ill, yet his condition is bad.
The Music System as supplied by Dr. Alex Coutinho to play Classic Music which the Brother enjoys.
The table which holds some of the eats for the Brother.  Take note of the flower as supplied by Dr. Coutinho.
Brother Kafeero would like to read the contents of the CD covering his former student Dr. Alex Coutinho, unfortunately, there is no laptop or print out for the same.
Dear all,
I thank the Almighty God for enabling me to make my second call on our dear former teacher and Headmaster of St. Mary's College Kisubi.  The Brother though ill sends greetings and good wishes to all OBs of SMACK.  The Brother is very grateful to the effort he has learnt about to raise funds to see to settlement of his medical bills, etc.  He says only God can reward your sacrifices.
I have learnt that the room where the Brother is costs shs 170,000 per night.  What it means is that as of now, the bill is shs 1,530,000.  This however excludes the cost of the upkeep of our dear nurse (Christine 0754 128515) who keeps alert all the time and attends to the Brother.  My appeal is that this lady's upkeep is boosted as she has to buy food for her self.    
The Brother is attended to by Doctor Nassanga, and she is in Nsambya on Monday and Friday.  What it means is that it will be tomorrow that the Doctor will give her opinion as to what she thinks is the way forward for Brother Kafeero's treatment. 
Given the past experience with other Brothers, it is not automatic that Brother Kafeero will get an operation more so that he also has High blood pressure and diabetes.  In case he is to get one, the Brothers at Kisubi will have to be the ones to okay it.
Brother Kafeero is put in a wheel chair when he has to go to the Chapel.  Some Fathers however make it for prayers to his room.
At this juncture, I wish to thank the effort of all OBs more so, those who have been able to make a contribution to the better health of Brother Kafeero at a time when he needs our help, special mention to Dr. Tyaba Kiggundu who is on vacation from US who makes it a point to check on the Brother on a daily basis at the Hospital and Engineer Ntale.  The effort has been boosted by Dr. Alex Coutinho who has supplied a System that plays Classic Music which Brother Kafeero loves so much.  Dr. Coutinho is thanked for a flower delivered from his garden and the promise to boost the fundraising effort.  I have been told by the nurse that the courtesy of Dr. Coutinho was alone!  
Once more, I appeal to all who can spare sometime to please do so and visit our dear Brother Kafeero.
Thank you.
William Kituuka Kiwanuka
Lourdel House

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