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During the Constituent assembly the NRA was represented by Mugisha Muntu, David Tinyefuza, Aronda, Serwanga Lwanga, Elly Tumwine, and Noble mayombo among others. During the debate on controvercial issues especially Buganda's most cherished Federalism and the Presidential powers, Tinyefuza, Serwanga and Besigye had demonstrated the highest level of independence in their stands. To the NRA leadership which expected its delagates to tow the army line, this was a clear sign of subversiveness by the Gang of Three. Their stand stunned many delagates who did not know the internal contradictions inside Museveni's NRA. Aronda who was also the DMI and Museveni's closest confidant, was silent throughout the open debates on the floor of the House. But he ran a President's office at the adjacent International Conference Centre (ICC) that was manned by Susan Kazoora. It is at this office that Aronda used to conduct behind the scenes canvassing for the President's wishes in the C.A and to allay uncertainities sowed by the Gang of Three. A number of delagates with Aronda's facilitation secretly would meet museveni in this office. Others would simply meet Aronda in this office or in the evening at DMI, Basiima House and would simply get convinced that the message he was conveying was from Museveni. After the CA several of these Aronda recruits like Simon Mulongo, Musa Echeru, Rose Seninde, Chebet Maikuti and others landed into fat jobs. 

After the CA it was clear that Buganda had lost on the Federo (Federalism) demand. Tinyefuza who had emerged as a champion of Buganda wishes requested to retire from military service. Museveni turned down his request for fear that Tinyefuza was going to vie for the offince of the President of Uganda. In his wisdom, Museveni reasoned that Tinyefuza could only be managed under military law if he remained in the army. Tinyefuza challenged the decision in the Constitutional Court and won but Museveni rushed to appoint among others Justice Kanyeihamba to the Supreme Court with a sole mission of reversing the Constitutional Court decision. As expected, Tinyefuza lost the bid in the Supreme Court. Tinyefuza kept a low profile by spending much of his time at his country home in Rugusuru, Ntusi in Sembabule district. The NRA Officers who were all along suspected to be simpathetic to him were placed under closer scruitiny. The likes of Muhesi, Ikondere, Kyatuka brothers, Sikaji Tumusiime, Taban Kyabihende, David Kaboyo, Julius Oketa, Fred Tolit and several others fell victim. But above all, Buganda Kingdom that had lost the Federo quest, was courting Tinyefuza. A prominent Lukiko member Mzei Katende would get messages from Katikiro Mulwanyamuli and pass them on to Tinyefuza. The courier a one Salongo Lulika who was a son to Mzei Katende would first deliver the letters to Aronda at the DMI where a copy would be obtained and retained and then the original allowed to be delivered to Tinyefuza. At that time it was feared that Mulwanyamuli intended to contest for the presidency. Aronda deployed a DMI Offices, Lt Banson Mande to keep surveillance on Tinyefuza's activities more especially in Sembabule. Lt Mande was to liase with the I.O of the Masaka based Mechanised Unit, Lt Lule. Much of the information that was gathered was not worthy the term intelligence. It was all speculations and iddle talk that even included utterences by Tinyefuza's father Mzei Bwajojo thus "my son will have to rule Uganda". 

Since the failed coup attempt by Buganda politicians and army officers in 1986, senior Baganda army officers had lost the trust of NRA. The likes of Drago Nyanzi, Kigundu, Badru Kiingi, Itongwa, Ronald Kawuma and others had been placed on Katebe. Some had resorted to armed robberies in order to reward themselves for the sacrifice they had made in order to bring Museveni to power. On the other hand, they robbed in order to march the personal wealth of their collegues who had offices to steal from. Above all, they had been robbers before joining the bush and now that they had state protection, they had to resume their old practice. Throughout the history of Uganda, it is in the NRA that a senior officer would carry out robbery. Lt Col. Kawuma was tricked by Otafire when he was the DG-ESO into going to Kenya and announcing formation of a rebel group in order to trap certain targets. Instead Kawuma was detained in Makindye from where he died. It was around the same time that Major Hebert Itongwa declared armed rebellion in Buganda under the NDA. Within security circles, the innitial estimation was that it could be a move bigger than the rogue Itongwa and focused on Mengo/Buganda and Tinyefuza. Suspicion and anger was inflamed by Itonga capturing and killing Karakire the DPC but releasing Dr Makumbi suspecting a hoax. With alot of panic, Aronda the D/DMI took the lead by using all the available finance and Lt Bukenya Gonzaga was shot and captured while Itongwa fled the country, ending the NDA.

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