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{UAH} Without justice for all, the Gt. Lakes region will remain unstable

There are powerful people and institutions that have decided that Hutu are bad people that don't deserve to be treated like other human beings. They are killed and massacred genocide style by Tutsi and reports are written to substantiate such human tragedy but are ignored.

These powers have decided that Tutsi are special people endowed with natural gifts to govern others and are natural friends of some countries in the west. Consequently the enormous wrongs done by Museveni and Kagame including decimation of large sections of Ugandans in Luwero Triangle, Northern and Eastern Uganda and in Rwanda and DRC since 1990 are ignored.

Instead they are praised for bringing stability in the region and should stay in power as long as they want and when they choose to leave should anoint their successors. Those who complain about such actions and demand redress in the interest of justice are instead branded sectarian, unfit for public office. Their lives and those of their family members, relatives and friends are threatened – designed to silence dissent.  For example, when former President Pasteur Bizimungu complained about the behavior of Tutsi towards Hutu and formed a political party to challenge RPF he was harassed, arrested and jailed. Hutus that have tried to defend the interests of their ethnic group have been accused of divisionism and their political parties banned and leaders jailed on account of being divisionist.

In Rwanda all people are considered Banyarwanda (except when it comes to genocide when the government draws a distinction that Tutsi were subjected to genocide and Hutu to politicide) and therefore questions should not be asked when Tutsi occupy the most important jobs in the country and in missions overseas.

In Uganda the anti-sectarian law and appointment and promotion based on individual merit have enabled Museveni to hire his relatives to the most strategic positions in the land particularly in the army, police, intelligence, ministries of foreign affairs and finance.

The Great Lakes region was more stable than it is today, notwithstanding the economic problems associated with Mobutu in Zaire. Habyarimana's development program in Rwanda was described as a model for the whole of Africa before the 1990 RPF invasion from Uganda with massive support of the Uganda government.

Since Kagame and Museveni came to power the region has lost some ten million lives and this could be an underestimation. The defenders of Kagame and Museveni explain this human tragedy in Malthusian terms namely that it is population pressure on insufficient resource base that has caused war, famine and epidemics.

When you read commentaries from the region you see concepts like racism because Tutsi believe they are white and therefore superior and born to rule. Their actions or omissions should therefore not be questioned because they can do no wrong.  When Tutsi are involved in a conflict with others and are disadvantaged, they always complain and seek protection claiming they are a 'hunted' minority. But the history of the Great Lakes region shows that it is the majority that needs protection from the dominance of Tutsi minority that always corroborates with outsiders to suppress, impoverish and marginalize the majority in Eastern DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. In Eastern DRC Tutsi grabbed land and plantations left behind by Belgians at independence in 1960. The land belonged to indigenous people before DRC was colonized so it should be returned to them.

Non-Tutsi people in Uganda and Rwanda have been dispossessed of their properties since Museveni and Kagame came to power. In Rwanda Human Rights Watch has written extensively regarding grabbing land from Hutu. In Uganda Museveni has just signed an agreement with the Kabaka perhaps at gun point depriving Baganda of their properties. To my knowledge none of the diplomatic mission has raised a finger in protest. Yet they preach democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all. If this injustice had been meted out to Tutsi, the reaction probably would have been different, accusing the majority of abusing the rights of the minority Tutsi. This writing is not about sectarianism it is about seeking justice for all. And we shall not accept to be silenced because Tutsi are allies of some western countries.

Reports reaching us indicate that the current trouble between Tanzania and Rwanda started from Rwanda and for the security of its people Tanzania has asked Rwandese to leave. Instead of Rwandese blaming the originator of the problem they are blaming the one who has reacted to the imminent threat.

These injustices and double standards need to stop or else the Great Lakes region will sink into deeper trouble. Regional organizations, the AU and the United nations especially the Security Council have an obligation to act fairly and justly to all citizens in the region.


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