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{UAH} Attorney.Gen. Nyombi's treacherous behaviour not new

Nyombi is infamous for siding with the enemy against his employer but this did not start yesterday.

During the Obote-II regime, he, as a young State lawyer botched a case in which an Asian businessman had defrauded the MoF/BoU of foreign exchange) he had forged the Hon. MoF's [Obotes's, that is] signature to get an allocation for importing merchandise. He disappeared with the loot in Kenya.
The Special Branch managed to extricate him from Nairobi and handed him over to the CID who prepared a file for a court case.
Prosecution of the case was handed to one Nyombi, a young State Attorney then. In Court, when the 'fraudist' requested for bail, the magistrate, as a matter of routine, passed the question on to the prosecution, "Any objection....sir?", the magistrate asked Nyombi.
To the shock of everybody the Government prosecutor, Nyombi, answered in two simple words: "NO OBJECTION".. thus causing a waste/loss of all the efforts and resources the government had expended on the process, in addition to the lost forex.
By the time the news reached the Attorney General's chambers and the CID, the 'fraudist' was already cross the border, never to be apprehended again.
Noteworthy is that the same Nyombi had, in advance of the case's hearing, been seen with the agents of the culprit in some dark corners of Kampala.
The head of the CID then, one Kanywamusai, put Nyombi to task, " are a BUSH lawyer...".

CONCLUSION-I: Though these words of the then CID chief may have simply meant that Nyombi was an unschooled , irresponsible lawyer, we can , with hindsight now conclude that he, in reality, was acting in the interest of then people fighting to overthrow the then established constitutional order. NO WONDER THEN, THAT THE OLDER NYOMBI HAS TO DAY BEEN REWARDED BY THE FORMER BUSHMEN and continues to betray his employer. It is in his blood.
Nyombi's litany of betrayal did not end in 1985/6 when the putchists came to power. It continues up to now.
• In the case , NRM Vs GoU, he has sided with the former against the later that employs him. After all, did he not work In the Attorney general's Chambers with one of the two main complainants/petitioners that have sworn affidavits [Museveni and Mbabazi] in the case where the party is in court against the Government that employs all of them? Has Nyombi not defended them against his employer, as he did in the 1980's?
• During the oil debate, he sided with a private citizen [Severino Twinobusingye, READ Mbabazi Amama] against the GoU.
CONCLUSION II: Nyombi is an incorrigible blunderer and a traitor to the Ugandan State and to Uganda as a whole.
The action being taken, by the legal fraternity, to ostracize him, is long overdue. He will or should be punished for his devilish actions he selfishly executes with foolhardy and impunity, even in 'hell'.
Christopher Muwanga,

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