{UAH} Pope Francis receives a hero's welcome in Sardinia ( Italy )
Nearly half of Sardinia Island's 1,800,000 inhabitants poured on
Calgriani city's streets and other venues to give an unprecedented welcome
to Pope Francis yesterday Sunday ( 22 Sept 2013). The city's 450,000 total population admit
they have never seen anything like it in their life, although the place is one of the poorest
in Italy with many businesses closing and unemployment touching 20% of the island's population
and especially 50% of her youth!
Sardinia, following the Island of Lampedoua which witnesses the arrival of many African clandestine
immigrants and the authorities try to help them, was specially chosen to enable the Pope to reach the
poor and to make pronouncements in their favour.
He arrived there early in the morning and was officially welcomed by the Italian Minister of Justice and other
top civilian and religious officials. Then after, he was driven downtown cheered by hundreds of thousands of
people some of whom started lining up at dawn!! In the centre of town he addressed vast crowds that had filled
and overboarded the vast square. His speech began when he had listened to three interventions from poor
marginalized people who had lost work and who had wound up their once prosperous business. In repy the Pope
moved the crowd to tears when he said where there was no work there was no dignity, and added the story of his
parents how they suffered without work when they had just arrived in Argentine. He further threw the actual world
financial woes to the global monetary system which he said had no ethics and was not pegged on justice where the
values of man were to be respected but was rather founded on money idolatry ! He observed how this system was
throwing away in oblivion the old people and the youth! And he finally appealed to all to come together and unite with
him to work together in order to bring about a change in the global financial outlook!
After his address which moved the assembled crowds he moved to another venue, always cheered by countless
numbers throughout the journey, to celebrate mass before an estimated 350,000 faithful. In his homily he insisted on
growing strong in hope in order to confront any hardships, this theme was also developed when later he met on various
occasions Calgiari's prisoners, the poor, the cultural group and the tens of thousands of youths whom he addressed before his departure to Rome after a busy day that has been described as very successful in all ways!
This great Pope, who strongly refuses people to bow to him or to kneel before him, is said to be in the process of
revolutionizing the world thanks to, among other things, his powerful talent in communication which causes dramatic and
sudden excitemet to all crowds of listeners and to vast audiences!
He has now embarked on his programme of driving the Church to newer dimensions that will turn it into a missionary body
that accepts and welcomes all. He wants to see a Church where nobody feels abandoned! He has developed this concept
of the Church being a conquering institution that has got to reach all and everywhere! He wants to find a solution on how to
accompany Christians in their difficulties, for example the divorced, the homosexuals, the prisoners, the abandoned, the
marginalized, etc, and he's bent on discussing questions relating to married priests, in this sense the issue at hand is to accept
the ordination of married couples... Pope Francis is indeed detrmined toeffect changes in the Church i order to make it
stronger and more powerful to confront and spearhead world change especially in the economic field! And the world is with him!
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