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{UAH} Prof. Emmanuel K, Twesigye: Africa is drunk ..! – video

Prof. Emmanuel K, Twesigye
Submitted on 2013/09/17 at 3:29 pm

Alcohol plays a great role in most non-Islamic African traditional cultures. Weddings and other cultural festivals, including funerals, visits with friends and after work social events are often occasions for heavy drinking. I do not drink and based on that analysis, I have fewer friends. But that has enabled me to use my salary to build a big house and put many orphans in school, including universities.

In this respect, one can also affirm that much of the poverty and underdevelopment could also be attributed to cultures of drinking where some men choose to drink their salaries and fail to safe for the education of their children or building better houses for their families.

Furthermore, in the case of Uganda, some teachers have become alcoholics and failed to show up for duty or do a good job in the classroom. This is also true for other professionals including medicine. Drunk doctors are responsible for many deaths of patients. That kind of rampant medical malpractice is dangerous, and yet it often goes unpunished by the corrupt officials. A bribe takes care of fatal medical error and poor judgements made by drunken doctors.

Probably most dangerous of all, many car and motorcycle owners drive to the festivals and bars where they get drunk and cause many fatal accidents on their way home. Taking a taxi or bus with a drunk drivers has proved dangerous to many thousands of people in Uganda.

Therefore, this deadly African culture of drinking and alcoholism has to be denounced, fought and eliminated in order to promote development, good health and public road safety for us all in Africa.

Prof. Emmanuel Kalenzi Twesigye, OWU, USA

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