{UAH} RESPONSE TO KALANZI: any UNAA Executive can expel a UNAA member
Mr Kalanzi,
1. I am not so much concerned about Mr Kyobe's plight since it is over and can't be undone. I am more concerned about a similar expulsion happening to someone else in the future. Supposing I buy a ticket to fly to San Diego, I pay for a hotel room and then Mr Awichu informs me at the registration desk that Ms Ogwang had secretly expelled me? Or supposing I'd got to Dallas and at 3pm, I go to vote and I am told I am not on the list because a UNAA Executive had expelled me without my knowledge? Keep in mind that the BoT (Mr Serumaga's email) ruled that the UNAA Executive doesn't have to refer the expulsion to the BoT before it becomes effective. It is the affected person that has to appeal. But how can you appeal what you don't know about? That's why I prefer that expulsions should be done under the transparent manner provided under Article 3.6: i.e the executive refers a member to the BoT (I'd actually hope that the Executive would VOTE to expel a member..not just ONE member of the executive making a unilateral decision), the BoT looks into the matter and makes a recommendation to the Council, then the Council gives a member 20 days to respond before expulsion/suspension becomes effective.
2. Mr Kyobe did not seek to return. UNAA sought him to return and he was convinced to return. As I mentioned in my email, several UNAA members reached to Mr Kyobe: Dr Muniini reached out to him after last year's Banyakigezi meeting, I reached out to him at Mr Nekyon's urging (I got him number from a UNAA Executive), Mr Kamugisha kept reaching out to him, etc. Eventually, Mr Kamugisha convinced him. After that, I talked to him about encouraging other people to register. as Mr Kamugisha mentioned, Mr Kyobe encouraged several people to pay for the convention.
Mr Kamugisha took him to the Council to verify if he could pay. The Council told them that they didn't know of a reason why he couldn't return since the Council had not expelled him (the Council has power to expel members after a transparent and fair process).
So, it is not only strange, but unfair to subject him to punishment for accepting to come back!
3. If you read the exchange betweeen Ms Nairuba and Mr Serumaga, you'll realize WHO expelled Mr Kyobe. I also invite you to ask other members of the Executive if they recall a meeting where the matter of expelling Mr Kyobe came up.
4. You have previously written here that your group (under Mr Otengho) competed against UNAA and your group "beat UNAA hands down". I guess you cost UNAA much more than the $4k that UNAA spent to fight the Transformers. However, I was very glad that many people in your group came back to UNAA and to my knowledge, no one tried to humiliate you (what would YOU have done if a UNAA Executive had expelled you?). Many other people have come and come back to UNAA. I am always glad when they do.
p.s we almost came to one of your conventions until Mr Otengho claimed that the British Prime Minister would be the guest of honor and that he was bringing Awilo Longoma!
From: "donosen@yahoo.com" <donosen@yahoo.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 7:44 AM
Subject: UNAALIST any UNAA Executive can expel a UNAA member

1. I am not so much concerned about Mr Kyobe's plight since it is over and can't be undone. I am more concerned about a similar expulsion happening to someone else in the future. Supposing I buy a ticket to fly to San Diego, I pay for a hotel room and then Mr Awichu informs me at the registration desk that Ms Ogwang had secretly expelled me? Or supposing I'd got to Dallas and at 3pm, I go to vote and I am told I am not on the list because a UNAA Executive had expelled me without my knowledge? Keep in mind that the BoT (Mr Serumaga's email) ruled that the UNAA Executive doesn't have to refer the expulsion to the BoT before it becomes effective. It is the affected person that has to appeal. But how can you appeal what you don't know about? That's why I prefer that expulsions should be done under the transparent manner provided under Article 3.6: i.e the executive refers a member to the BoT (I'd actually hope that the Executive would VOTE to expel a member..not just ONE member of the executive making a unilateral decision), the BoT looks into the matter and makes a recommendation to the Council, then the Council gives a member 20 days to respond before expulsion/suspension becomes effective.
2. Mr Kyobe did not seek to return. UNAA sought him to return and he was convinced to return. As I mentioned in my email, several UNAA members reached to Mr Kyobe: Dr Muniini reached out to him after last year's Banyakigezi meeting, I reached out to him at Mr Nekyon's urging (I got him number from a UNAA Executive), Mr Kamugisha kept reaching out to him, etc. Eventually, Mr Kamugisha convinced him. After that, I talked to him about encouraging other people to register. as Mr Kamugisha mentioned, Mr Kyobe encouraged several people to pay for the convention.
Mr Kamugisha took him to the Council to verify if he could pay. The Council told them that they didn't know of a reason why he couldn't return since the Council had not expelled him (the Council has power to expel members after a transparent and fair process).
So, it is not only strange, but unfair to subject him to punishment for accepting to come back!
3. If you read the exchange betweeen Ms Nairuba and Mr Serumaga, you'll realize WHO expelled Mr Kyobe. I also invite you to ask other members of the Executive if they recall a meeting where the matter of expelling Mr Kyobe came up.
4. You have previously written here that your group (under Mr Otengho) competed against UNAA and your group "beat UNAA hands down". I guess you cost UNAA much more than the $4k that UNAA spent to fight the Transformers. However, I was very glad that many people in your group came back to UNAA and to my knowledge, no one tried to humiliate you (what would YOU have done if a UNAA Executive had expelled you?). Many other people have come and come back to UNAA. I am always glad when they do.
p.s we almost came to one of your conventions until Mr Otengho claimed that the British Prime Minister would be the guest of honor and that he was bringing Awilo Longoma!
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
From: "donosen@yahoo.com" <donosen@yahoo.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 7:44 AM
Subject: UNAALIST any UNAA Executive can expel a UNAA member
My dear friend Mr. Kamugisha, forgiveness and acceptance should not just be demanded but can be hastened if preceded by an apology and beg for it. Truth and reconciliation in SA, gacaca in Rwanda, mato oput in Uganda have worked miracles in reuniting people.
Rev. you know God will not just forgive our sins simply because we tithe, baptized...etc, we have to repent for forgiveness.
I am not familiar with this situation, what I know is that it costed UNAA money in a fight to regain its stolen intellectual property.
What bothers me are the people who claim that Nairuba expelled him - dead wrong. That individual EXPELLED himself when he made the wrong choice. Yes Nairuba neither had the right to expel nor induct anyone into the organization most especially one who kicked himself out and caused UNAA a financial burden. Nairuba has been a great asset to UNAA she left some big shoes to fill.
In addition, just because someone paid $50 to become a member does not and should not grantee him/her membership most especially if that person had - prior, knowingly and maliciously caused the organization a financial burden. Fifty dollars cannot wash away his sins. UNAA paid more than $50 because of him and his party.
Are you saying UNAA should just rollover hold hands and sing kumbaya?
I will not bite my word. There should be penalties and punitive demand if not a total ban of such individuals from the organization to send a clear and strong message. If he is to be accepted the waiting period should not be less than four years together with a written apology to ask the least. Wasn't he a member before? What makes us members think he will not do it again? Give us written guarantees.
Ssebo: those who left UNAA to join other organization did so but none of them stole from UNAA - also, the prodigal son did not steal from his father he politely and humbly asked. Tough love!
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Mw. Musoke:Am glad this issue has finally come to light. It is bothersome to note how long it has taken both the foregone Executive and the BoT to resolve Mr. Mathias Kyobe's issue.Just like the Biblical story of the Prodigal son in the Gospel according to Luke 15: 1- Shortly after the Denver convention, i took it upon myself to meet and talk to my good old friend Mr. Mathias Kyobe about the potential problems he had allowed himself to be drawn into as one of the officials of the infamous "UNAA TX Transformers." Tensions were still on the high end at that time and the meeting did not end well between the two of us.However, having been close friends for a very long time and being that we had both previously served our local UAA-DFW community in various positions for over eight years each and having deeply analysed the original intentions that lead him to join the "Transgressors" a.k.a the "Transformers", i decided never to give up on him. Consequently, we had on and off private meetings and almost weekly phone calls. The idea was to make Mr. Kyobe as significant as he indeed was to UNAA and to his local community which at that time he felt like he was distanced and alienated because of his involvement with the splinter group.I assured him that regardless of his involvement with the rival group, i would uphold my love and respect for him as it had been for a very long time, in accordance with the words of Jimmy Hendrix "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace...!" Romans 12:21 [Yes, i mean it!] equally applies in the events that lead to the sweet but bitter ending of where we are today with the Kyobe/UNAA Executive/BoT factor.The days, months and years that followed in the soft but steady pursuit of one of the "Prodigal sons/girls" eventually yielded good fruit when one day, a months before the Dallas convention, we agreed to meet again and this time, the Kyobe who was always well well armed with a list of well defined reasons why he could not see himself coming back to what he always termed as "UNAA Boston" and why he felt like he and his colleagues had all the reasons why the leaders of "UNAA Boston" should instead pack up and join them in the "UNAA TX".This time around, the case and tonality was smooth and soothing! My good old friend was willing to listen to all the advice and council i gave him, i encouraged him to call some members of the Executive and the BoT, Most importantly, i advised him to contact the UNAA Council and thereafter pay for his convention registration before the "Membership" as his case was still under evaluation.Once again, we continued with more opportunities to talk on some occasions i would refer him to some former members of the Executive and the Council who were interested. NB: Mark the word "Interested" as some were not willing to even listen to what he had to say without knowing that he was en rout to coming back home. Mr. Kyobe, eventually agreed to have another serious sit down meeting. We talked about so many issues regarding his personal and collective grievances with his colleagues. This meeting took place a few weeks shortly before the Dallas convention. He expressed his disappointment and frustration about the run around he was being given by the UNAA officials. He assured me that he had paid all the necessary dues including membership [2013-2014] at one point he regretted even why had to go through such a lengthy and emotionally stressing situation just to be allowed back. I don't think it was that hard for some current members who had defected UNAA between 2000-2004 to be reinstated and given responsible positions in the organization they had fought to KILL and BURY. But but here we are with some remorseful person whom the organization has even accepted to take both his registration and membership fees yet they wont give him a positive or negative answer for his humble request to return home.Are we surely serious when we claim as an organization that "United We Stand...?!" Is the issue regarding Mr. Kyobe a matter of personal decisions or it is a direct effort to sabotage consensus building, Uniting and building UNAA communities, Transparency and Accountability, even being able to account for the "Lost souls?!"I better end here before am labeled one of the "Obsessed!!|Kamugisha
From: Joseph Musoke <joseph.musoke@ymail.com>
To: yesu_nimurungi2004@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2013 10:58 PM
Subject: UNAALIST any UNAA Executive can expel a UNAA member
Ms Nairuba,Via your attached email exchange with the BoT, you have just agreed with all my assertions:1. you have just confirmed that there are NO Executive minutes relating to Mr Kyobe.2. you do not cite the powers under which you would reject Mr Kyobe (Mr Serumaga doesn't mention them either).3. you admit that your decision was never sent to Mr Kyobe (incidentally, the BoT's decision was not sent to him either).4. you admit that the BoT (as per Mr Serumaga's email) determined that a member of the Executive has power to expel a member "for reasons you know best". e.g an Executive can expel a candidate one day before the elections for whatever "reason you know best" and the BoT probably would not have time to review that member's appeal before elections.As you can see, my "obsession with this matter" is obvious...I think it was unfair and I also fear that other members might be expelled by the current and future Executives under similar "quiet" ways. I think this was a very bad precedent. Members should be expelled under Article 3.6 which is very clear and has a transparent process.ThanksFor a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
From: Henrietta Wamala <hsw1226@yahoo.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2013 8:21 PM
Subject: UNAALIST any UNAA Executive can expel a UNAA member
Mr. Musoke,
I at first asked myself why you were so obsessed with me and so did my husband, yet I had no clue who you were or looked like and I was even ready to defend myself against you in Texas at whatever means it took that weekend but then after seeing your sorry self run away from me when confronted of all the lies you have written about me I concluded that you must be one delusional individual that needs help. You could not even stand in front of a woman and explain yourself but had your tail between your legs running away with all the people who were in the lobby looking on and laughing at you. Then you wonder why you ended up with 30 votes?
Members, Musoke has had the opportunity to create and write whatever story he wants about people and most of us have either decided to ignore his ranting's and let him be, but that was when some of us did not want to align ourselves with any campaigns but now that the silly season is off, I think I will let you all know that I will not stand for any of this nonsense and this is a free country where by am seriously going to start considering legal actions on some of these individuals.
The time of people thinking that we are Ugandans and that's how Ugandans are is over, we live in a civilized country and people should seriously start being held accountable for their actions, and this goes to all those that slander and create and accuse us (those who have been in office and selflessly served you UNAA Members) of stuff that does not exist.
I have never expelled any one member or denied membership to anyone, attached is a communication I brought to the BOT when the then Treasurer submitted Mr. Kyobe's name to me to be added onto the membership listing and clearly, I never got a final word from the BOT on the matter. Mr Kyobe called me to find out why he was not on the list and I explained to him that the matter was with the BOT and that he should contact them for an answer, where Musoke rants off with his nosense? Mr Kyobe indeed was the custodian of the Transformer's records and its a known fact.
One wonders? Are you just obsessed with me? Why? Am married and you are not my type, I don't even know you and seeing you in Dallas was the first time I even could put the face to the name, get a life Man!
I am fed up of nonsensical people such as Joseph Musoke who shoot off their mouths without facts and thrive on it, and let it be your last warning that whatever information you have written about me or continue to write about me will be used against you at whatever means I take necessary. If you need to know something from me have the courtesy of asking me with respect and I will accord the same to you.
Stay warned!
Henrietta. N. S.Wamala
Human life is purely a matter of deciding what's important to you and taking action.
On Sun, 9/15/13, Joseph Musoke <joseph.musoke@ymail.com> wrote:
Subject: UNAALIST any UNAA Executive can expel a UNAA member
To: hsw1226@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, September 15, 2013, 9:46 PM
before the convention, I wrote an email to the Board of
Trustees (BoT) bringing their attention to the plight of a
UNAA member that had been expelled by Ms Nairuba, the UNAA
Secretary. In my submission, I explained to the BoT that Ms
Nairuba did not have powers to expel any member. But as has
been the norm, the BoT did not bother to respond to my
email. However,
I had a chance to talk to Mr Wilson about that matter and he
told me that the BoT had looked into the matter and
determined that the clearly laid out procedure for expelling
members under Section 3.6 was actually irrelevant to
expelling members...i.e the BoT was not required to abide by
clear provision for expelling members. This is a
rather strange but dangerous precedent set by the BoT!
concerned member had been part of the Transformers. After
the convention in Denver, the BoT chairman talked to him
about ways of bringing the Transformers back to UNAA.
In June of this year, the member asked his close friend (Rev
Kamugisha) what he could
do to get back into UNAA...Mr Kamugisha advised him to
approach the UNAA Council to inquire if the
Council had expelled him (under Article 3.6, it is the
Council that has powers to expel members). The Council
informed him that he'd never been expelled so he paid
for the convention. Subsequently, Ms Nairuba told him
he'd been expelled. She did not provide ANY written
document to that effect. Other members of the Executive
informed us that no such decision had ever been made by the
according to Mr Wilson, the BoT (as the appellate body)
ruled that the expulsion was proper! That means that
any ONE member of the Executive can expel a UNAA member...go
figure! Since the BoT has the power to interprete the
constitution, the BoT's decision is
UNAA's law.
if any member of the Executive can expel a member, why do we
need the CLEAR Article in the constitution relating to
expelling members? Why would the BoT use an obscure
Article that contrasts a very clear provision on the process
for expelling members?
For a faster
response please contact me at
Ugandan North America Association . 1337 Massachusetts
Avenue . Suite 153 . Arlington. MA . 02476
Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association . 1337 Massachusetts Avenue . Suite 153 . Arlington. MA . 02476Email: info@unaa.orgUgandan North America Association . 1337 Massachusetts Avenue . Suite 153 . Arlington. MA . 02476Email: info@unaa.org
Ugandan North America Association . 1337 Massachusetts Avenue . Suite 153 . Arlington. MA . 02476
Email: info@unaa.org
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