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Breaking: US Navy Yard shooting: is it possible to learn the truth?

Sep16 by Jon Rappoport

Breaking: US Navy Yard shooting: is it possible to learn the truth?

By Jon Rappoport

I’ve covered a number of mass shootings. Assuming the people arrested or killed had anything to do with them, one of the top questions is: was the shooter on psychiatric meds?

The mainstream press doesn’t push for answers.

It’s a vital question. In school shootings, we’ve learned that the answer is often yes. For example, Eric Harris at Columbine in 1999 was on Luvox, an SSRI antidepressant. These SSRIs are well known for pushing people over the edge into violence; and the manic effects can also motivate them to form grandiose plans for destruction. (See the website “SSRI stories” for documented accounts.)

In the last few years, the US Armed Forces have loaded down their personnel with psychiatric meds, which have led to suicides and killings.

Typically, at these shootings, pharmaceutical investigators show up to find out whether their drugs are involved, so, if necessary, they can clamp down on “information leaks” and instead divert the conversation to: “he had a mental disorder,” as if that, rather than the drugs, was the key factor.

Another top question: was it a “random” shooting or was it an intentional op, designed for several purposes:

implementing a further gun grab from private citizens;

a lesson in official control—“obey the instructions of the authorities and shelter in place”;

inducing generalized fear and demoralization in the population;

and distracting the public from ongoing scandals/ops—e.g., Syria, NSA spying, Benghazi.

Two tweets may or not be be relevant here:

Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) (NBC 4 I-team reporter, Washington DC—unless someone has hijacked his twitter account): “Navy ran mass shooting drill in Feb-March at Navy Yard. Part of nationwide ‘Citadel shield’ security program.”

Jonathan Feng (@jonfeng1): “There was one active shooter drill during my time at Navy Yard. I was stuck inside a building while getting lunch. Guess which building.”

Several other tweets (unconfirmed info) claim a drill took place at the Navy Yard several days ago.

Several mass killings (e.g., Aurora, Boston bombing) took place at the same time as, or close to the time of, official terror drills, suggesting several possibilities—one being the drills were prepping for an intentional op.

As reports, in March of 2012, not 2013, a Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield exercise took place, “designed to test the service’s ability to respond to nation-wide threats to its installations, units, personnel and families.”

Adm. John C Harvey Jr. stated, “Overall, it was a resounding success…”

How did two or three armed shooters enter the Navy Yard and get past security today? Will the mainstream press do a deep investigation on that?

So far, officials are telling the press that at least 6 people have been killed at the Navy Yard and 10 have been wounded. There are two or three shooters, which suggests some level of planning and coordination. DHS has released a pat statement: “no known connection to terrorism,” which means nothing.

In Washington DC, open or concealed carry of weapons (by private citizens) is illegal. Therefore, aside from armed security guards at the Navy Yard, no civilian workers in the buildings can defend themselves against the shooters. Also, from what I can gather, non-security military personnel working inside the Navy Yard are forbidden from carrying weapons as well.

From 1886 to 1964, the US Navy Yard manufactured weapons for the US Navy. According to a Wikipedia article, it was, by the start of WW2, the largest ordnance naval yard in the world.

Jon Rappoport



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