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{UAH} FW: [angbayan_updates_English] Corruption of the Aquino Regime and the need for system change


Understandable anger in the Philippines about the failures and institutional corruption in the government.

But one fact that Ugandans should note with interest is that whatever the serious flaws with it's governance institutions and so-called democracy, the President has only one single term in office of just 7 years and no more. The dictator Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a people power revolution in 1986, the same year that the NRA and Museveni came to power in Uganda. Since then, the Philippines has had 5 single term Presidents in Corazon Aquino, Fidel Ramos, Joseph Estrada ( removed by another people power uprising), Gloria Arroyo, and now Ninoy Aquino. Of these 6 Filipino Presidents:
1.Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a people power revolution and died in exile. However hundreds of civil suits have been launched against him and his notorious wife Imelda, in Filipino and UK courts. The Marcos family is estimated to have looted over $10 billion during their 9 year autocratic rule, most of which has never been recovered.
2. Corazon Aquino replaced Marcos. As widow of the assasinated politician and Marcos rival, she had a lot of initial goodwill, propelled into power as she was by the people power revolution, but she turned out to be  very ineffective as a leader, but voluntarily left office when her term ended.
3. Joseph Estrada was a corrupt, womanising and totally ineffective leader who was so alcoholic that he only functioned at night as during the day time he would be asleep. His cabinets would normally meet at midnight, that is when he would be most alert. he was toppled by another mass arising, mainly because of the corruption and excesses of his regime. After losing power, Estrada was arrested, tried and convicted of corruption and abuse of office. He was granted a presidential pardon by his successor, Gloria Arroyo.
5. Gloria Arroyo served the remainder of Estrada's term as President and then got elected in her own right thus serving 9 years in total. She left office at the end of her term, but was immediately arrested and put on trial, again for corruption and abuse of office. Arroyo is still detained,awaiting completion of her trial.
6. Nonoy Aquino is the current President whose term ends in 2016.
The difference therefore between the Philippines and Uganda is that their democracy is a lot more advanced as it is now impossible for any leader to cling onto power beyond the constitutional limits. Secondly, the Philippines is able to bring its leaders to account as you can see three of them have faced serious criminal charges after leaving office and have been convicted.

We have a long way to go yet.

George Okello

Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 19:50:29 +0800
Subject: [angbayan_updates_English] Corruption of the Aquino Regime and the need for system change


Corruption of the Aquino Regime and the need for system change

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Prof. Jose Maria Sison
Chief Political Consultant
NDFP National Democratic Front of the Philippines

October 12, 2013

Interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison (JMS)
Chief Political Consultant
National Democratic Front of the Philippines

By D.L. Mondelo

1. Are the plunderers in the pork barrel system limited to those involved in the Napoles case? Why is Aquino pointed to as the pork barrel king? Is he also engaged in plunder? If so, how? Is the corruption of Aquino limited to the pork barrel?
JMS: The plunderers are not limited to those involved in the Napoles case. Napoles and the senators and congressmen who are her accomplices could accomplish their plundering only with the collaboration of the executive officials under Aquino, particularly in the theft of Php 10 billion under the so-called Priority Development Assistance Fund .
Aquino is pointed to as the pork barrel king because he has control and sole discretion over huge lump sums of pork barrel amounting to hundreds of billions of pesos. He and his relatives and friends can at will, steal from various types of pork like the special purpose fund, unprogrammed funds, intelligence fund, presidential social fund, Malampaya fund, off budget account, among others. He has been caught with his pants down on the invention of the Disbursement Acceleration Program. He is discovered to have no constitutional peg whatsoever for this racket. He has been disbursing huge amounts of money illegally and criminally.
The corruption of Aquino is not limited to pork barrel. The IMF Direction of Trade no less has found out that smuggling under the Aquino regime is at least three times worse than that during the Estrada and Arroyo regimes and amounts to USD 19 billion per year. The floods have become worse under the Aquino regime because of huge cuts from infrastructure projects. The sister and brother-in-law of Aquino have been exposed for trying to shake down the Czech company Inekon. The biggest tax evaders like Lucio Tan and Eduardo Cojuangco are intimates of Aquino.
2. Aquino controls both houses of Congress by corrupting most of the congressmen and senators, with the use of pork barrel disbursements, like those related to the impeachment and conviction of Corona. It is obvious that Aquino cannot be impeached by the Lower House and tried by the Senate. What can be done to punish Aquino?
JMS: The way to try and punish Aquino now is not by impeachment by the Lower House and trial by the Senate. One way is to charge and try him after he steps down from his office in 2016. Estrada and Arroyo have been similarly charged and tried. Another way is to carry out an Edsa type of uprising as in 1986 and 2001. If the uprising is successful, Aquino and his accomplices can be arrested and tried immediately.
The people's outrage over the pork barrel corruption can develop into a mass uprising beyond the ability of the government and the yellow media to counter it. The broad masses of the people are already fed up with the years of Aquino manipulation of the mass media, the opinion poll surveys and social media and the use of letter writing brigades and planted comments.
3. What do you think of the proposal of the former Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno to the One Million People March Movement to undertake a People's Initiative and hold a People's Congress to legislate the abolition of the pork barrel system in accordance with a provision in the 1987 Constitution?
JMS: It is an excellent proposal. I can see that the people's initiative can be joined by millions of people. It has a broad appeal and a has a definite objective of abolishing the pork barrel system through the People's Congress in accordance with the 1987 Constitution and Republic Act No. 6735, which provides for a system of initiative and referendum.
The people's initiative has a high potential for becoming a movement for moral regeneration and for system change as envisioned and advocated recently by the peace panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines. The leadership of the movement may include former Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno, former Vice President Teofisto Guingona, Senator Grace Poe and stalwarts of the mass movement like Dr. Carol Araullo, Satur Ocampo and Liza Maza.
4. Going back to the possibility of overthrowing the Aquino regime, how would the people go about this? Some pundits say that Aquino cannot be ousted and replaced because those in the line of succession are also corrupt like him, like Vice President Binay and Senate President Drilon. How do you ensure having a good administration to replace the corrupt Aquino regime?
JMS: There is no need for using the existing line of succession. Philippine history has shown in 1986 and 2001 that a president can be ousted peacefully by the broad masses of the people who rise in great numbers. The organized forces of the mass uprising must persuade the military and police to respect the right of the people to speak and assemble. The effective leaders of the military and police can be subsequently persuaded to take a position against the regime and withdraw support from it.
They can be trusted by the masses if beforehand they declare that they uphold the principle of civilian supremacy and commit themselves to supporting a council of national unity as the civilian caretaker government in charge of arresting and prosecuting Aquino and his criminal accomplices and ensuring clean and honest elections within six months. The chair and members of the caretaker government can be appointed by a council for moral regeneration arising from the people's movement against the pork barrel and entire gamut of corruption.
5. If we get rid of the pork barrel system and Aquino and his accomplices, would that be enough to change the rotten social system in the Philippines? What does it take to make a system change truly for the benefit of the people?
JMS: Getting rid of the pork barrel system together with Aquino and his accomplices is not enough to change the semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system of big compradors and landlords servile to US imperialism. So long as these exploiting classes continue to reign, bureaucrat capitalism or bureaucratic corruption will persist. The workers and peasants must smash the bureaucratic and military machinery of the exploiting classes in order to install the people's democratic system.
6. Is it possible to have a government that you can cooperate with, short of achieving victory in the people's war against the ruling system? What do you expect from a government that you can cooperate with?
JMS: That government must assert national independence against unequal treaties, agreements and arrangements. It must let the strength of the workers and peasants grow in a democracy. Genuine land reform and national industrialization must be carried out. A national, scientific and mass culture must flourish. The foreign policy must be for peace and development.
7. Why is it that so far there is no such government as you describe? Why is it that such government has not arisen from the peace negotiations between the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the Manila-based government?
JMS: All presidents and regimes since the start of the peace negotiations have been more interested in serving the US and their exploitative class interests, in amassing wealth through corruption, in using military force to suppress the revolutionary movement and in using the peace negotiations to seek the surrender and pacification of the revolutionary forces and people.
8. Is there still a chance that Aquino will show interest in peace negotiations either because he wants to shore himself up politically or because he is simply interested in peace as a noble objective?
JMS: The chance is nil or close to nil. Aquino has been merely interested in preserving and expanding the wealth of the Aquino-Cojuangco clan. He cannot think and act outside of the box of puppetry to the US, satisfying the interests of his fellow big compradors and landlords, plundering the national treasury and overrelying on the use of military force and manipulation of the mass media.

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