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{UAH} fwd.ed T.W.I.M.C. - Most Trivia TWEET of The Wk.end

 fwd.ed T.W.I.M.C. - Most Trivia
TWEET of The Wk.end, a romantic 
interchange  between Kim & Kanye.
Says Kim Kardashian and Kanye West:


Says KanyeWest To Kim Kardashian

@KanyeWest: " @ KimKardashian: #NoFilter "


Have Your Say.

Says Marcius Chester To Kanye West:

...You would think that after having a baby, she
would have matured. I always knew that she
wasn't going to stop.

Now that she has Kayne West brainwashed
into thinking that she loves him, he's going
around saying that she should have her
name on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Come on
now Kayne. Kim can't act "period". What you
need to do is open your eyes and see what you
have gotten yourself into. Building a home that
she is going to take from you in 5 years, as well
as other things down the road is showing her
how stupid you are.
Your music isn't selling because of her. As long
as she knows that you love her, she's going
to use you until she can get that star.
And if she can't get in through you, she's going
to drop you, saying that, she's not in love with
you anymore.

Remember she already knows that you have
a bad temper. Look Kanye, Kim is playing you,
wake up to the reality of it all, before its to late.
Her reality show is about to be canceled. Her mother
has separated, her sister is about to divorce Omar.
The whole family is messed up. And you couldn't
see it because she p—y wh—ed you.
Kanye if your talented so much, use it why you still
can and get a lawyer to help you see & move on.
Before you lose everything.
Says Reality:
...She is pretty but I don't like how she
manipulated everyone regarding her fake
wedding. People shouldn't mess with
the concept of love and marriage.

Says Intellectual Shawty:

That ass is don't go with her
thighs and legs. 😒 #disappointed
Says Saren 143:
Fake.. Real.. It doesn't even matter
the girl looks fabulous! 😍😍😍😍👍👍👍
Says Peace:
GeeZus On a Wooden Bike! Thank goodness
that those most badly hurt, likeKris Humphries
The X to Kim Kardashian at least got back the
diamond engagement ring that he gave to Kim
 prior to their ill-fated marriage....
The ring's  sale provided plenty of headlines
for Christie's New York Magnificent Jewels
auction. The $749,000 price it sold for was
the 12th highest price at Tuesday's sale. Not
too bad even if only as a consolation to Kris 
( i.e.$ 500,000.00 profit) - here
- Peace, To The World

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