{UAH} MUGABE'S DAUGHTER, BONA - $35,000 and 15 head of cattle
Bona Mugabe wedding in March 2014
By Staff Reporter
HARARE – Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has announced that his daughter Bona will have her white wedding next year in March. Mugabe was addressing people who attended a special mass on Thursday at Chishawasha Mission Primary School in Goromonzi.
Bona, Robert and Grace Mugabe
Mugabe was speaking at the commissioning and handover of two boys' hostels, a 79-seater bus and a computer laboratory at the school and said the wedding would follow Bona's graduation in Singapore next month.
The 89 year old President told the gathering that Bona, who holds a first degree in Accounting, would be graduating with a Masters on November 16 at a university in Singapore. "Tina sisi vari pano ava vane zita rinonzi Bona," he said.
"Akaenda kuDominican Convent takazomuendesa kunanaHong Kong achindoita zvidzidzo zveaccounts. Akazoita Masters kuSingapore, saka ari kuenda kugraduation musi wa16 November.
"Gore rinouya akafunga zvekusiya mhuri kunovamba yakewo achiti chisarai makandibatsira, ndakura ndakunozviitira. Izvo ndinofunga zvichauya munaMarch gore rinouya. Ndopatinenge tichizokukokai mose ipapo kuti munge muinesu."
Mugabe received $35 000 and 15 head of cattle in bride price (lobola) for his daughter Bona, in a traditional marriage ceremony which took place in August. The son-in law Simba Chikore, is a pilot with the Emirates Airlines who is also a Zaoga (Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa) church member.
Bona Mugabe with her parents at State House
Press reports suggest Bona Mugabe and Chikore's relationship started and blossomed two years ago when she boarded a plane he was flying on her way to Dubai. Sources say they exchanged numbers and later became friends.
However, the friendship developed into an affair until Simba was introduced to the First Family last year. President Mugabe asked Chikore in person whether he was serious about the affair to which he responded positively.
First Lady Grace Mugabe last week torched controversy after publicly claiming that her daughter had never slept with any man and dismissed as lies online reports in 2010 alleging that her daughter had been raped in Singapore after a student party. Many felt she had unnecessarily embarrassed her daughter.
Bona's marriage is a clean break from her mother Grace Marufu who had an affair with Mugabe while his wife Sally was dying of a kidney ailment. The affair resulted in two children, Bona, named after Mugabe's mother, and Robert Peter, Jr.
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