{UAH} Pretense
When I look at the circus in UNAA today, it reminds of a joke we had about civil servants when I was still in school in Uganda. We used to say that "the government of Uganda pretended to pay civil servants and civil servants pretended to work".
1. UNAA members like to pretend that the association is governed according to a constitution. The reality is that we are governed according to the whims of ONE person.
2. UNAA Council members like to pretend that the Council matters but we currently have TWO Councils and they can't meet...yet we pretend that we need a Council. The realisty is that ALL important decisions are taking place OUTSIDE the Council.
3. the constitution provides that Council meetings can only take place if there is quorum (2/3 of the Council members must be present). Currently, half the Council members are boycotting the meetings...so the Wilson/Kwesiga camp told Mr Nicholas Wakou power to cast NINE votes by himself...i.e he votes for any member that is not at the meeting and then pretends that THEY have voted!
4. we pretend that we have THREE branches of government with EQUAL powers but the reality is that Mr Moses Wilson is more powerful than all the other Board of Trustees AND the boycotting Council members put together! What the Board and the boycotting Council members say is ignored...we go by what Mr Wilson decides.
5. we pretend that the election commission is independent but the reality is that it is controlled by the Wilson/Kwesiga camp
6. we pretend that power belongs to the members but members can NOT change anything unless the Council allows to...and now, it is the Wilson/Kwesiga HALF of the Council that has to give us permission to discuss things relating to the constitution...and THEY get their orders from "him".
7. Francis' camp pretends that they can stop the march to dictatorship in UNAA but the reality is that they are helpless...
8. both camps pretend that most members are AWARE of what is going on but the reality is that MOST members are NOT aware or interested.
9. We like to pretend that we need the constitution but the reality is that we don't. Our leaders are ignoring the constitution but that has not slowed convention preparations.
10. we like to pretend that the Council approved the hotel contract but a Board member had already approved it and tld the President to sign it.
11. we like to pretend that the Council approved the Directors but the reality is that Mr. Tim Gaburungyi had already started his work.
12. we like to pretend that pass the budget and choose a host city for 2015 but the reality is that the Council will play NO role!
13. we like to pretend that UNAA has a disciplinary committee appointed by the Board but the reality is that Tim appointed himself that non-existent committee and no one cares/dares ask him.
14. we pretend that we own unaalist since it is paid for using our membership money but the reality is that the Wilson/Kwesiga camp owns it and kick off anyone that opposes them.
15. we like to pretend that Mr Kwesiga is our leader but the reality is that Mr Wilson is our leader.
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